After a hellish first month of being held captive, these last 3 weeks have seemed like heaven. Shiggy brings me my favorite foods all the time, I read new books every day, and the two of us watch anime all night together. Things start to seem like they were before, besides being kept here against my will, of course.
Shiggy props his head on on his hand. "So," he says, "I was thinking."
"Thinking of what, alleycat?"
"Since we've been good for a couple weeks, that maybe you could... come back."
"Come back?"
"Y'know, help me run the league."
I sit up with an excited smile. "Really?"
"Yeah, I think it's time. I need you out there, I can't keep my eye on everyone."
"So like..." I say, "I can go outside?"
"Maybe not outside outside, but out of this apartment for sure."
"Oh my god, thank you Shiggy!" I say, before wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tight. "I'm so excited!"
"Okay, don't get too excited," he says using his hand to lightly push me back so he can look at me. "I'm still not sure if I can trust you yet, so I'm gonna have to blindfold you on the way to the facility. But I'll let you meet our new members, maybe make some friends. I know you never really had friends, which was part of the reason why you... did what you did."
"O-kayy, well sounds good to me! So when do we go?"
"What about now?"
"Really?!" I say, excitedly.
Shiggy smiles and nods his head.
"Are we there yet?" I ask. I've always liked car rides, but it kind of defeats the whole purpose when I can't see out the window.
"Patience, kitten," says Shiggy, "We're almost there."
What seems like another hour of riding, the car finally comes to a stop.
"Alright," Shiggy says, "We're here."
He leads me outside, and by the way our footsteps echo, I'm guessing we're in a parking garage. He leads me indoors, and I hear the ding of an elevator, and that's when he finally takes my blindfold off.
"Okay," he says. "Now, there's a lot of downtime with the league right now, so I'm just going to introduce you to the new members today. I have something I have to do, so I'm gonna introduce you and drop you off for a while. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Sure thing, alleycat," I say with a smile.
"By the way, some of them will recognize you from the raid a couple months ago. If anyone asks, just tell them you were deep undercover. Never mention that you flipped sides, I want them to like you."
Suddenly, I begin to feel a bit... nervous. I'm still not used to new people, and I'm not sure this will go. When I went to UAU, it was pretty easy for me to make friends, because there was no pressure for me to. But now, I feel like I have to be friends with these guys or it'll be awkward, which is making me feel weird.
When the elevator opens, we walk down a brightly lit corridor, the into a big room, with several different people lounging around on the couches and chairs strewn about. Everyone looks up when we walk in, and suddenly, I feel even more shy.

aerie (bakugo katsuki x oc)
Fanfictionkaiya miyasaki, teleporting nuisance, loves nothing more than to get on bakugo's nerves. but after an accidentally intimate night together, they go from unlikely friends to something more. but once everything is finally seeming to come together, sec...