On the last night before finals, the eve of when Recovery Girl said she can fix my hand, I decide it's alright for me to sleep in my room for once. I start to doze off, planning out where I'm gonna go as soon as I can teleport again.
Until suddenly, I get the feeling that someone is watching me. I open my eyes to see a dark figure in the corner of my room, and I sit up.
"Shiggy?" I say, voice shaking.
He slowly walks towards me, and from the moonlight of the window, I can see that it's him. His face is still covered in shadows, but with that aura of his, there's no doubt about it.
"What... what do you want?" I say, panting.
"You're coming with me," he says, in a soft, emotionless voice.
"No!" I scream, "Please don't take me!"
He grabs me by the hair, and drags me on to the floor towards the door. I can do nothing but scream as he drags me, fearing for my life. But suddenly, he lets go of my hair and grabs onto my wrists.
"You did this to yourself, Aerie," he says.
I try to put up a fight by punching and kicking and screaming, but he's just so much stronger than me. He takes my wrists and pins them to the ground, hovering over me.
"Kai!" he yells.
Wait... that's not right...
"Calm down!" Shiggy shouts, but in Katsuki's voice. "It's me!"
Suddenly, with a couple of blinks and a shake of my head, Shiggy's gone, and I'm staring at a very concerned looking Katsuki.
I furrow my brow. "Hey," I say, casually.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" he says, half-yelling, and completely out of breath.
I shake my head again to make sure I'm not still asleep because Katsuki pinning me down like this is like a dream in itself. "Sorry, I was dreaming," I mutter.
"About what?"
My ex-boyfriend that wants to kill us both.
"Um..." I say, trying to think of something fast. "Spiders."
"Yeah, spiders."
"You said 'please don't take me' to a spider?"
Shit. Did I say that out loud?
"It was a big spider," I say, quietly.
"You suck at lying," he says, seeming ticked off.
I look around the room, trying to change the subject. "What are you doing in here?"
"You screamed."
Figures. Heard a damsel in distress, and came to her rescue. Like a good little hero. Damn, why does that turn me on so much?
I bite my lip. "So you thought I was in danger?"
"Um, yeah."
"So you came in here, why? To protect me?"
"What else was I supposed to do, dumbass?"
I do my best to stifle a smirk. "And you woke me up. So... some would say... that you saved me."
"Um, I guess?" he says, seeming confused.
"Oh." I study his face for a moment. "My hero," I say softly.

aerie (bakugo katsuki x oc)
Fanfictionkaiya miyasaki, teleporting nuisance, loves nothing more than to get on bakugo's nerves. but after an accidentally intimate night together, they go from unlikely friends to something more. but once everything is finally seeming to come together, sec...