chapter 57: kill me please

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   I stare straight ahead at my so long awaited opponent. Here we are, finally, going toe to toe in an official match. I have fought with Katsuki once before, but that was child's play. Now this, in an arena with thousands of people watching, this is where the real fun is at. It's time to really see, once and for all, who's really stronger.

   Katsuki glares back at me. I can almost feel his menacing aura from all the way over here, it's pretty exciting. And pretty hot, if you ask me. The way he's staring me down right now, whew.

   Wait, can I be thinking that?

   Yes, I can, because I'm not me right now, I'm Kai, remember? Kai's allowed to like Katsuki, because she isn't real. Kai's allowed to have fun at UA, with friends and crushes and training, because she's a figment of my imagination. Kai is a kind, outgoing, pestering little-

   Wait. Earth to Aerie- I mean Kai, there's a fight going on right now. Get it together.

   Anyway, like I was saying. Katsuki is hot. And I am so ready to get my shit rocked by this guy.

   "Start!" screams Present Mic.

I hesitate before making my first move, just to see what he does. And to my amusement, the first thing he does is spin around, looking for me behind him.

Ha! I really left an impression on this guy the last time we fought.

To amuse myself even further, I do exactly that, glitch directly behind him. Not wanting to throw him right off the bat, I drop to the ground, performing a back heel sweeping kick, knocking his feet right out from under him before he even knew what hit him.

Hey, I'm no one-trick pony. I know my way around a little karate, too.

He lands right on his ass, and I do my best to not burst out laughing at the look on his face. He jumps up to his knees, and I know he's about to turn around, so I glitch back in front of him just in time. Just as I thought, he fires an attack, but I'm not there to get hit by it.

Okay, let's have some fun now.

I start to glitch around the ring randomly, not even allowing myself to manifest fully before glitching somewhere else. I can glitch at incredibly high speeds thanks to the ability to snap with more than one finger. I slide my pinky, ring, middle, and pointer fingers across my thumb in one swift motion, letting me glitch 4 times in less than a second. It's my new party trick: hyperdrive. It's pretty fun on my end, the buzzing feeling of a deep vibration along with the chinking sounds of rapid de- and re-manifestation. And on the outside, this appears as random flashes of light, in every direction. It's a pretty sick move, if you ask me.

Through my glimpses of Katsuki in the ring between trips to nowhere, I see that he fires another fruitless attack at one of my flashes of light.

Annoyed yet?

And for my next trick...

I glitch next to him for half a second, just enough time for me to get a strike in. I've decided that I liked Tokoyami's little ninja kick he did on me, so I mimic it as best as I could, hitting the hothead directly in the ribs with my shin, glitching away only a moment after impact.

I see through glimpses that he stumbles a bit, but that definitely wasn't enough to take him down. But after catching his balance, he stands still, watching, waiting.

As fun as hyperdrive can be, it gives me a massive headache. My hand's starting to cramp up, as well. I'll just get one more attack in. I've decided that I liked that kick, but this time, I'm doing it in an even better spot.

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