chapter 14: time to die, idiot

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I stare directly ahead at my opponent. I should've known it'd come down to this.

Glitch-girl smiles and waves from across the ring.

She's only smiling 'cause she has no idea the fury I'm about to unleash on her. I've been waiting for this moment ever since she humiliated me during battle training. I'm gonna make her regret every taunt she's ever made at me, every time she's said she's stronger, every time she's ever tried to get under my skin or in my head. I'm gonna murder this girl right here, with everyone watching, and I'm gonna enjoy every second of it.

"Start!" screams Present Mic.

I spin around almost immediately. I know she'll attack from behind, it's what she always does. But when I raise my hands to attack, she's not there.

What the hell? I thought for sure-

Suddenly, my feet are swept out from under me, and I land right on my ass.

What?! How did she get me?! Attacking from behind at the beginning is what she always does! She must have known I was going to predict her moves. God, she's so annoying!

I rise to my knees as I turn around and blast, but again, she's nowhere to be seen.

Literally how?! She was just here!

As I jump to my feet, I catch a glimpse of green light in my righthand peripheral vision.

Perfect, now I can get a hit in. I know where she's gonna land, so there's no way she can avoid this.

I release a powerful explosion at the light. And to my absolute annoyance, she never fucking appears.

Are you kidding me?! She faked me out?! I didn't even know she could do that!

Next thing I know, I receive a blow to my left side, which I can only assume was from a kick, but who knows, I couldn't fucking see her. I stumble a bit. She hit me hard, right in the ribs, and it hurts like a bitch. I stabilize my stance, and decide to just wait, looking all around me. I know she can't hide forever.

Her light flickers around everywhere, and I watch as flashes of what could possibly be her body appear and disappear in fractions of seconds in random places.

As annoying as this is, I know she can't keep it up for long. If teleporting groups takes her energy, I'm sure glitching hundreds of times at high speeds is gonna wear her out eventually. I stand my ground, and wait.

Then, all of the sudden, the bright green light is all I see. As I try to process what's going on, the next thing I see is her shin heading straight for my face.

Shit! She must have glitched in the air!

There's no time to defend or attack, she lands a kick right across my face. I try so hard to stay standing, but there's so much force in the hit that I lose balance and land on the ground on my hands and knees.

Fuck! How does she keep landing hits?! How can she stay out of sight?! How does she keep getting me to the ground?! How is she so much better than me?! I hate this stupid bitch! Wherever she is, I'm gonna kill her!

"Sorry, Kitty-kat," I hear her say sweetly from behind. "I told you I'd have to take you down."

Before I can even turn my head to look behind me, I feel her arm wrap around my neck and squeeze.

Ha! Does this idiot seriously think she can choke me out? She's lost her damn mind! She might think she's all that with her little moves, but when it comes to body strength, I have the upper hand by a long shot.

I reach my arms behind me and grab on to her waist. She might be as tall as me, but I know she can't be very heavy. I lift her off the ground and throw her over my head with ease, and she lands hard on her back on the ground in front of me.

Haha! Take that you little bitch!

This is the first time I've set eyes on her since this thing started, and I need to make it count. I blast her as fast as I can, but not surprisingly, it isn't fast enough. She glitches across the ring.

Damn! I've got to make her come closer again.

"What are you scared of, Glitch-bitch?!" I taunt. "Come fight me!"

"Hey!" She glitches right in front of me. "Don't call me that!"

I try to blast her, but I fail once again.

She starts to glitch all around me like she did with Hand-face, landing single hits on my face and body every time she glitches, but nothing detrimental, and nothing that can take me down. Just little hits, just enough to cause me to boil with rage. I don't even try to blast her, I'm saving my sweat for the opportune moment. And when it comes, I'm gonna make her regret the day she was born.

"What's wrong, Kitty-kat?" She laughs as she buzzes around. "I thought you were gonna kill me," she says in one ear, "I was excited," she whispers in the other.

My teeth clench and my eyes widen. My chest burns with rage.

You want me to kill you, Glitch-bitch?! Well get ready to die!

All I see is red as I unleash the most powerful blast I've ever created. I spin around so there's a blanket of explosions covering the entire ring, leaving her nowhere to run.

Whatcha gonna do now motherfucker?!

I see that idiot panic and glitch above the blast, and when it disperses, she falls to the ground about 5 feet in front of me.

Gotcha! I aim my palms at her.

She sits up and holds up her hand. "Wait!"

No fucking way, you're not getting me to hesitate this time! The only option you're gonna have is to glitch out of bounds. Game over, idiot.

"Die!" I yell as I blast her with everything I have left.

But for some reason, she doesn't glitch away. Her body just flies across the ring like a rag doll, and she tumbles a bit before landing all the way out of bounds on the other side of the ring.

The stadium falls silent.

What the hell?! She didn't try to dodge at all! Fuck, I just hit her with full power at point blank range!

She lays on her side facing away, motionless. I sprint up to her as fast as I can, and when I reach her, I can see that her body is covered head to toe in burns from the blast. I turn her on her back, and there's blood streaming down from her hairline all over her face.

Oh my god, I killed her!

I lift her shoulders and shake. "Hey," I say softly, but she doesn't move. I bring my ear to her mouth, but I hear nothing.

Oh my god, she really is dead!

I shake her again. "Hey!" I scream.

No, no, no, no! I didn't actually want her to die! I can't win like this!

I put two fingers on her neck to check her pulse, and I feel a faint heartbeat. I let out a sigh of relief and shake her again. "Hey, wake up! Don't actually die, idiot!" I yell, but she doesn't move.

Next thing I know, there's medics everywhere. "Get back!" one says, and I get out of the way. As they load her on to the stretcher, I notice her thumb is completely bent backwards on her left hand.

I guess that's why she said to wait. God, I'm such an idiot!

They rush her off the field and I'm left there alone, panting.

"And Miyasaki is brutally injured, after Bakugo ignores her cry to end the match! How foul!" screams Present Mic over the intercom.

I look down at my hands.

What the hell did I just do?

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