Now with this constant dilemma in my head of being destroyed inside by the heartbreak caused by Shiggy and the uncertainty of my future with Katsuki, getting fucked up is all I want to do, and the only time I feel peace.
One particular night in Vegas, I get separated from Katsuki. I do, however, find a friendly group of guys who provide me with free liquor, on the condition that I drink it as fast as possible.
I'm already pretty hammered when they hand me a Four Loko for me to shotgun, but hey, I'm no pussy. One of them stabs a hole for me, and I go to town, with them all circling me chanting "Chug! Chug! Chug!"
Then, out of nowhere, I hear the familiar sound of Katsuki shouting. "Get the fuck away from her you damn pigs!" he screams, just as I finish my drink.
"Whoa, Kai. Who's this foreign dude?" says one of the guys, referring to my Japanese-speaking boy-toy here.
"Kitty!" I say, stumbling over to where he's standing angrily. I trip just before I reach him, and he catches me under my arms. "I couldn't find you," I say.
"Take us home you idiot!" he shouts.
I roll my eyes at him totally killing my vibe. "But I'm having fun! You were right, cities are the best!"
"Take us home now, Kaiya!"
One of my friends walks over to us. "Whoa, dude, quit yelling at her," he says, in English. Obviously. "She doesn't want to come with you."
"You better get the hell away from me before I fucking kill you!" Katsuki screams, in Japanese of course.
"I can't understand you, bro," my friend replies, "But you need to let go of our friend here, or we're gonna have problems."
Katsuki lifts me from under my arms so we're face to face. "Baby, please," he says, and my heart flutters.
"Let's go home," he continues.
But as soon as he says that, my drunken mind only has one emotion: anger.
"I don't have a home! You're the only one with a home! I wanna stay here. I'm having fun."
"C'mon princess," he says sweetly. "You can't even walk. Let's go back to Japan."
Although my heart is melting at the most adorable pet name that's ever been uttered by anyone ever, the thought of going back to that stupid country where everything went wrong angers me even more.
"No!" I exclaim. "I'm sick of that fucking country! I wanna stay here. Viva Las Vegas!"
"Viva Las Vegas!" the guys all yell in unison.
"Okay, we can stay in Vegas," Katsuki pleads. "But not here. Take us to the nicest hotel room in the city."
Hotel? I guess a nice hot shower sounds good right about now...
"Okay," I say, snapping my fingers and taking us to Caesar's Palace.
Katsuki removes his arms from under mine and I fall to the ground. "Hey!" I say, lifting my trunk off the floor. "What was that for?!"
"I'm tired of this, Kaiya! You ran off, and I couldn't find you anywhere! You scared the shit out of me!"
I roll my eyes. "If you were scared, that's on you. I was completely fine!"
"You were not! Who knows what those guys could have done to you?!"
Oh, god. He sounds just like Tomura.

aerie (bakugo katsuki x oc)
Fanfictionkaiya miyasaki, teleporting nuisance, loves nothing more than to get on bakugo's nerves. but after an accidentally intimate night together, they go from unlikely friends to something more. but once everything is finally seeming to come together, sec...