chapter 66: rush

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   When I see Bakugo waiting for me at the train station, my heart skips a beat. He stands against the wall, brow slightly furrowed as he gazes down at his phone.

   I swallow hard. I've been thinking about this so strategically lately, that I'd forgotten just how much I actually like the guy. Instead of determined, I'm nervous all of the sudden.

   I cautiously approach my date. "Hey, kittykat," I say with a smile, trying to hide my nerves.

   He looks up from his phone. His eyes seem to light up for a second as he quickly looks me up and down, but return to their annoyed expression  almost immediately. "Hey," he says. "You're late."

   "Has the train left yet?"


   "Then how am I late?" I say cheekily. "C'mon." I lead him to the train and find a spot to sit on the end, where it's not too crowded. I proceed to ramble on nervously about everything under the sun, from the weather, to school, to the animes I've been watching. I just can't seem to stop running my mouth.

   Katsuki doesn't say much for the whole train ride. He mostly listens, nodding his head and asking questions here and there.

   My nerves get worse and worse as we grow closer to our destination, and my talking gets faster and faster, and more and more careless. By the time the train ride is over, and our walk to the park begins, I find myself ranting about random books that I've read that I'm sure he's never even heard of. But surprisingly, he doesn't tell me to shut up, or change the subject to something he actually cares about. He just listens, watching me closely as I ramble on and on. I'm guessing he's just as nervous as I am.

   As soon as we walk through the park gates, I decide to end this pointless one-sided conversation by grabbing Katsuki's hand and making a break for the new rollercoaster. My nerves and excitement boil over, causing me to laugh like a little kid as I lead him through all the people. I look back to see how annoyed he is at my childish actions, but instead of frowning, he's actually smiling, laughing along with me as we run.

   We wait in line for the rollercoaster for around 30 minutes, Katsuki starting to come out of his shell, ranting about nerdy hero stuff. As much as I don't give a shit about the politics of pro-heroes, listening to Katsuki talk about something he's passionate about interests me more than anything.

   The rollercoaster is pretty sick, definitely not the best I've been on, but it gives me a decent rush of adrenaline, which is something I've been desperately lacking as of late. When it's finally over, and my brain is buzzing, I just know that I need another fix.

   I turn to Katsuki. "We have to do that again!"

   "No way, the line for this thing sucks!"

   That's seriously what he's worried about? Easy fix.

   "That's what my quirk is for," I say with a smirk.

   He raises an eyebrow. "What?"

   I grab his hand and beam us back to the front of the line.

   "Wait, what are you doing?!" he says, nervously.

   "We're going again!"

   His concerned expression softens to a smile as he shakes his head. "Some hero you are," he remarks.

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