CEO's Desire (Irene)

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"The meeting will be in thirty minutes. Understand?" CEO Y/N asked from her employees as she stood in the office lobby.

"Yes, Ma'am!" the employees answered in chorus.

Y/N's eyes stern and pensive trailed in the crowd of her employees and settled onto one of them. Due to her cold aura, every employee shuddered in distance, not having enough confidence to meet the eyes of their boss.

Y/N shoved her hands in her pant's pocket as she swiftly walked towards the one employee that had caught her eyes forever. She walked up to her and stood in front of her, glaring her down. The employee was looking down at the ground, fidgeting nervously.

"Miss Bae. Meet me in my office. Now, "Y/N said and walked past her to her personal elevator.

The employees let out a heavy sigh as they dispersed to their workstations. A blonde woman walked up to her best friend and said, "Irene? You okay?"

Irene looked up and stared at her best friend with fear in her eyes. She just got accepted here at the job a few months ago and she had heard about Y/N being the rudest, strict boss she'd ever meet. 

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine, "Irene replied as she shivered uncontrollably.

Wendy gave her shoulder a squeeze, saying, "Everything will be fine. You didn't do anything wrong."

Holding onto the words said by her best friend, Irene walked to the elevator and to CEO's floor. She took deep breaths and even tried to divert her mind from worst-case scenarios, but her mind traveled towards the cold, emotionless eyes she saw on Y/N's face.

With a ding, the elevator door opened to an eerily quiet floor. She looked ahead to see the mahogany door at the end of the hallway. Quietly walking, her heels clicked against the cold and lustrous marble floor.

Irene reached in front of the door and saw Y/N's name beautifully carved into a steel plate with the title CEO written above. 

Gulping really hard and praying with all she had, Irene knocked on the door twice. The noise echoed through the hallway, sending chills down her spine.

'Come in'

A faint voice replied from the other side of the door. Irene got ahold of the door handle and pushed the door open. She looked up to see Y/N sitting in her executive chair as she typed furiously on her laptop.

Clearing her throat, Irene timidly said, "M-Miss Y/N?"

The sound of keyboard keys stopped and Y/N looked up from her work to see Irene standing at the door with her hands nervously intertwined. She closed her laptop in one swift motion and put it aside.

"Miss Bae. Come in and have a seat, "she ordered as she rested her chin on her interlaced hands.

Irene closed the door behind her as she walked towards the chair in front of the big wooden desk and settled in without a word. She was looking down at her lap as her heart was thunderously beating inside.

"So, Miss Bae. I called you to ask some questions, if you don't mind, "Y/N said as she passed her a glass of water.

Irene looked up for a brief moment and then lowered her eyelashes, saying, "I-I am good. Thank you."

Y/N nodded as she leaned in her chair and asked, "May I ask my questions?"

"Yes, Miss."

A feeling of frustration took over Y/N as she saw Irene being scared and nervous in front of her. She gritted her teeth and ordered, "When I talk, your eyes should look at me, Miss Bae."

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