To. X (Taeyeon)

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Everything felt like background noise to me as my eyes tuned into the two figures— dancing happily in each other's arms as the music continued to flow through the air intricately. The night was shrouded in a thick blanket of darkness, with only the occasional burst of fireworks illuminating the sky.

All I could think of was the sting of pain it was causing me to look at them. I knew couldn't hide the very fact that I was frowning while looking at the screen in front of me and before anything else could take over my mind completely, I shouted.


People turned around to look at me as a murmur started to go around in the crowd. They were wondering what made me shout out so loud, because— honestly, the shot was going wonderfully and this might be my first time letting my personal feelings into this— although, the whole crew didn't know that.

My assistant director came and whispered in my ear, "Ma'am? Was the shot not good? Do we reorganize the set—"

I lifted my hand and said, "It's quite alright, Eunju. I think we can continue."

Confused, Eunju signaled the crew to set up the scene again, and then the clapperboard snapped shut. The music started again, and it also started my feelings again.

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair and then, closed my eyes— hoping that whatever I was feeling would wash away soon because this was going to cost me huge if I didn't stop now. Trying to regain my professional composure, I opened my eyes, stood up, and took my rightful place behind the camera— watching the scene unfolding through the lens.

Taeyeon danced with her arms around the male model and looked happy— maybe happier. Being her ex didn't make things easier though.

I could feel myself clenching my jaw— trying to hide the jealousy that burned in my chest— and grappled with my inner self to play the director for once, thinking of this as a nightmare and nothing more.

Because the way I was feeling was no one's fault— not even Taeyeon's. I was the one to be blamed for the furious and childish outrage that I was having in the middle of the job. As soon as the verse came to the end of the scene, I noticed the sudden stiffness of the male model, and it threw me off completely.

"CUT! Cut! What do you think you're doing?"

The whole crew startled around me as I outrageously pointed my finger at the man in Taeyeon's arms. He frowned as he stepped back from her embrace and bowed a bit in apology.

"I'm sorry. I thought I was being a bit over—"

"Who told you to decide on your own about how you act? It would be best if you did the way you were told. Understand?" I said, gritting through my teeth.

And certainly, I could feel Taeyeon's narrowed gaze on me as she frowned her eyebrows a bit— the one I was trying so hard to avoid.

The male model bowed and apologized to the whole crew before everyone got into their place again. I stepped behind and folded my arms as I stared at the screen. The male model was facing away from the camera— making Taeyeon look right at it.

And for some reason, her gaze had emotions that weren't needed in the scene— because she was looking at me through the lens. Her eyes showed a bit of baffledness and disappointment. Of course, she had every right to be disappointed. This was her most awaited comeback after a year and I— her literal ex— was directing the MV and was being nothing but an asshole.

Jeez, it felt awful by the passing minutes as her eyes stared at me.

Fortunately, the scene came to an end, and so was the shoot. I stood up and clapped for the hard work of the crew— despite my shitty behavior— and said with gratefulness.

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