Babe (Yeji)

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"Let me drop you off. It looks like it's gonna rain today, "Taeyong, a friend she just made from the main branch of her company, offered.

Y/N glanced at the sky through the window and shook her head in denial, saying, "It's fine, Taeyong. My hotel is just half an hour away from here. I'll take a taxi."

Taeyong turned his head around to see his colleague calling him and sighed, "Okay, if you say so. Just give me a call when you reach your hotel."

Y/N smiled at him and nodded, replying, "Of course. I'll see you then."

"Take care."

With those last words exchanged, Y/N took the elevator to descend to the ground floor of the building and walked outside. Just as she stepped on the first-class paved road, a few droplets fell upon her.

"Seriously? I didn't even get to hail a taxi, "she looked up at the heavily clouded sky and exhaled heavily.

She rushed ahead and waved her hand at every passing taxi to get its attention, however, luck was not on her side today. As the time and the taxi passed, the rain started to go from pitter-patter to pouring out vigorously.

"Damn it, "with no success, Y/N looked around for help but everybody else was running for the covers themselves.

Pointless to ask someone.

Keeping her handbag above her head, she ran onto the street as the water splashed beneath her shoes. She ran to look for a shelter or a simple shade of a tree, but it looked like the land was barren there.

Finally, finding a bus stand after running for fifteen minutes, she stepped beneath it and panted heavily due to all the running.

"God, no, "she jerked her handbag, noticing it was already leaking rainwater. Unzipping it, she hastily pulled out the pen drive that had a piece of important information.

A piece of information for which she came to Gangnam from Seoul.

Y/N checked the pen drive and let out a sigh of relief when the pen drive was untouched by water.

"Thank god."

As now her focus from pen drive was out of the way, she realized that her jeans and t-shirt were sticking up against her skin due to wetness. A feeling that she hated since childhood. Pulling on her t-shirt to avoid contact of the cloth with her skin, she didn't realize that a sleek black sedan car came to a halt in front of her.

The window to the backseat rolled down a little and then the person sitting in spoke out, "Y/N."

Y/N immediately stopped whatever she was doing and whipped her head towards the direction of the voice. The same voice which she heard the last time, five years ago.

"Yeji?" she questioned and saw the window rolling down fully.

And then came the face to the name. Y/N's heart skipped a beat or maybe multiple as she saw the woman in the car looking at her with those same penetrating eyes. The same eyes that used to adore her a few years ago.

Standing straight, Y/N's face turned somber as she held the longing eye contact for a few minutes. The tension thickened around them.

But, then Yeji broke the silence with her words, "Get in."

Y/N blinked a few times and then said, "N-No, it's okay. My hotel is just a couple of minutes away from here-"

"Which hotel?" Yeji questioned, cutting her off in between.

"The Sunset Lodge, "Y/N answered at which Yeji's logical response came.

"That hotel is approximately one hour away with all the traffic and rain. My apartment is just ten minutes from here. Now, you choose."

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