Embrace (Yeji)

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As Yeji stepped out of her office building, the evening winter air hit her like a ton of bricks. She shuddered and wrapped her coat tightly around herself, trying to find some warmth in the cold. The streetlights flickered on, casting an eerie glow on the deserted sidewalks.

It felt colder than usual tonight as if the very air was infused with a palpable sadness. Yeji couldn't help but feel the weight of the day settling heavily on her shoulders. It had been the worst day at work, with everything that could go wrong, going wrong.

She trudged down the street, the sound of her boots echoing hollowly on the pavement. The barren trees along the road swayed in the icy wind, their branches creaking like old bones. The street was deserted, except for a few lone figures hurrying home, their heads down against the biting wind.

As Yeji walked on, the sadness inside her grew, and she felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. The chill of the air seemed to seep into her very soul, adding to her misery.

Yeji had the roughest day at work and as she walked towards the subway, she couldn't help but try to inhale and exhale deeply to keep her emotions in check in public.

She stepped onto the subway, the doors closing with a hiss behind her. She squeezed into the packed carriage, the stench of sweat and the heat from the bodies making her feel suffocated. The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a sickly greenish glow over the faces of the other passengers.

The train jolted forward, and Yeji had to grab onto the nearest pole to keep from falling. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep breaths, but it was impossible to shake off the feeling of being trapped in this metal box hurtling through the darkness.

As the subway screeched to a halt at her station, she pushed her way through the throngs of people and burst out onto the street. The cool evening air hit her face like a balm, and she took a deep breath, feeling a little bit free.

She walked down the familiar streets towards her house, the hustle and bustle of the city fading into the distance. The quiet of the residential neighborhood was a welcome change, and Yeji felt her shoulders relax as she walked.

The houses were lit up with warm, golden lights, and the air was filled with the aroma of dinner cooking. Yeji's heart lifted at the thought of going home, of being enveloped in the love and warmth of her family.

However, when Yeji walked into the house, the usual warmth and comfort that enveloped her was nowhere to be found. Instead, she heard the sound of her parents' raised voices coming from the living room.

She hesitated for a moment, listening to their words grow more heated with each passing moment.

Gradually, Yeji felt her frustration building, knowing that this was the last thing she needed after the terrible day she had just endured. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, and she marched into the room, her voice shaking with anger.

"What is going on here?!" Yeji shouted, her frustration boiling over. "Can't you two just stop fighting for once?!"

Her parents turned to look at her, their faces etched with guilt and shame. But the damage was already done, and Yeji felt tears stinging at the corners of her eyes.

"I can't take this anymore," she cried, turning and fleeing from the room. She ran out of the house, the cool night air hitting her face as she stumbled down the front steps. Her tears blurred her vision, but the only thing that was clear in her mind was the thought of Y/N.

Her girlfriend.

Yeji stumbled down the street, and the first taxi she saw pulled up alongside her. Without a second thought, Yeji ran towards the taxi, her heart pounding with desperation. She flung open the door and collapsed into the backseat, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

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