Happiest (Jisoo)

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I was happy, maybe the happiest, if that'd describe my emotions any better.

I was going to be a mom!

Isn't that exciting? The most significant gift of my life. I'd treasure my child, I knew, when I kept my hand on Jisoo, my wife's abdomen, and caressed the skin. I remembered staring at her stomach and her face with teary eyes.

"You... you're pregnant?" I asked with my trembling voice.

Jisoo nodded while biting her lower lip in utter delight as she kept her hand above mine and replied, "Yes. Yes, I am. We're going to be parents, Y/N."

I could feel my heart bursting into what felt like a fountain of emotions varying from love to compassion for my wife and my to-be-born child.

I pulled Jisoo in for a hug and became cautious with my strength. I wanted to embrace her like there was no tomorrow, but also didn't want to hurt my child.

My child. Thinking about it felt like a dream.

I remembered kissing the top of her head as she wrapped her arms around my waist. We were swaying in our little world with closed eyes and overwhelming hearts. This was a thing that we were both very scared about and also, the most anticipated.

After going through various doctor's appointments, the result surprised us both. Maybe because it felt like an untracked goal of our life, we weren't sure of the results.

But, God blessed us, and here we were, elated.

It had been two months since the surprise that Jisoo gave me. Things were going pretty smoothly with her pregnancy. She was still going to work, but I had asked Seulgi, her colleague and best friend, to take care of her and give me constant updates on her.

I had to be sure of her safety.

Jisoo always acted irritated whenever I became protective of her. She said, "I'm capable of walking on my own, Y/N. It's been just two months."

But, inwardly, I knew how much she loved to be pampered by me.

However, something shifted inside me when I got home yesterday, and I was met with a very happy Jisoo running towards me and throwing her arms around my neck, choking the air out of me.

"Y/N! Y/N! I've got a surprise for you!" she excitedly said and I laughed with a strained voice, trying to keep it cool while being desperate for some oxygen.

"What is it, love?" I asked and she pulled herself apart, showing me a rectangular piece of photograph.

I took it from her hand and concentrated my eyes to figure out what it was. It was a sonography photo and there was a small little bundle of my joy swimming in the dark.

"It's a boy. I know I'm a little late but... surprise, "Jisoo quietly said as she kissed my cheek and hugged me, while I was lost in the photo in my hand.

My son. Our son. A boy whom we will raise.

But, something struck me and I felt my emotions tightening down my throat. My heart started to race and I realized I was panicking deep inside. A question arose inside me and I, idiotically enough, muttered it out aloud.

"What if I'm not good enough to become his mother?"

It took both of us a whole minute to let that question settle in and then, instantly, Jisoo pulled away, staring at me in shock.

"Y/N, how could you say that?" Jisoo asked in disbelief.

I sighed as I handed her the photo back and walked away from her to our bedroom. Suddenly feeling mentally exhausted.

I could hear Jisoo's rushing footsteps behind me as I threw my overcoat and my bag on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed with my fingers raking through my hair. I closed my eyes and tried to take a deep breath to calm myself down.

"What is it, Y/N? Why did you say that?" Jisoo asked as she stood in front of me.

I rubbed my palms on my face before looking up at her. I knew I had to talk to her, but I felt an inner feeling restricting me from saying my feelings out loud. I was afraid to lay it all in front of her. I was afraid to make her worry.

I was afraid to be a burden.

"Jisoo, I... It's not like that. It's just..." I tried to explain with the limited vocabulary that was coming into my mind.

Jisoo came to sit beside me as she kept her warm hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. I turned my head away from her as out of the blue, tears threatened to spill through my eyes.

"You can talk to me about anything. You know that, right? We're in this together, "she said, her voice so assuring, so calming that I had to give in.

I turned to face her with tears flowing down my eyes and looked straight at her. I could see that it broke her heart seeing me cry, but it broke mine too, seeing her so sad and worried, just because I was a coward.

"I'm scared, Jisoo. I'm afraid that I won't be able to give our child everything. What if he hates me because I could not give him everything?" I spilled the doubts as the anxiety of the words took over me.

This felt like a huge deal, and now, even more. I was having second thoughts and I could see that Jisoo was not ready to take it.

So, she gently took my hands in hers and said, "You'll be a great mother. Trust me."

"But, Jisoo-"

And she silenced me with a kiss. She had her head tilted as she craned her neck to reach my lips. I savored the feeling as I sighed in the kiss and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer.

Something about the way she kissed me, calmed me down, every single time.

Pulling apart, Jisoo opened her eyes and was met with mine as she said, "It's a big responsibility, yes, I agree. I'm afraid of so many things, but I know you'll always be by my side to help. So take this as a hint and don't be afraid, I'll be ready to help you too, Y/N. Always."

I listened and mulled over her words as I stared deep into her sincere eyes. I sure was panicking inside but something calmed the flame a little bit. Maybe it was the assurance or the surety that Jisoo would always be by my side, I let a smile overtake my lips.

"You're afraid too?" I asked, tilting my head, urging her to speak up.

Jisoo sighed, replying, "Yeah. I'm afraid that... I won't live up to his expectations, but then, I realized that by being together and helping each other, we can find a way. A way to be happy and make our son happiest."

She looked up and we shared a smile.

"I know that you're afraid and this is your first, but believe me when I say you'll be a great mom, because, "she took my hand and rested it upon her stomach, "you're worried about him even before he is out in the world. You'll do everything to keep him happy."

I felt my chest swell with love for my lifelines as I let out a choked breath and surely pulled Jisoo in a hug, a hug that meant emotions more than said.

"I love you, "I whispered into her hair as I snuggled closer and Jisoo patted my head while chuckling mildly.

"We love you too, Y/N, "Jisoo replied, referring to her and our son.

And just like that, every doubt that ever crept into my mind flew away. I felt like a huge burden fell off my shoulders and I relaxed within the embrace of my wife.

As I said, I was happy, or maybe the happiest.


So, I was bored out recently and this certain scene came into my dream and I thought, I had to write this.

Hence, there you go.

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