Recording (Irene)

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"Here's your Fudge Brownie Hot Chocolate, Y/N, "her manager passed her her drink.

Y/N looked up from her iPad and smiled at him, saying, "Thank you, Oppa. Let's go we're gonna get late to the recording." 

Her manager nodded as he drove ahead and towards the sleek building of SM Entertainment. Y/N took ahold of her handbag and stepped out of the car as they reached the building. She scanned her ID and walked into the building.

"Hello, Ms. Y/N, "the idols that were passing by bowed to her in respect as Y/N replied with a humble smile and sweet response.

She walked into the elevator with her manager as she got engaged with her iPad again, checking her schedule all over. 

"I have just the recording?" Y/N asked and her manager replied with a coherent hum.

"Well, that's news."

The elevator door opened and they both walked into the long hallway with furnished marble beneath. Heels clicked loudly as they passed by many junior idols who respected and praised Y/N.

Y/N L/N, a big name in SM Entertainment. She worked as a solo artist for her whole life and was still working but nowadays, she was more into producing songs for her junior artists. Wanting to help them achieve what they want.

A smile graced her lips as she saw the recording studio. A place where singers made their first song ever after long and hardworking years of training. 

Her manager opened the door for her as Y/N entered the big studio and saw her favorite people sitting on the couch.

"Hey, girls."

"Y/N Unnie!" the girls stood up and tackled her into a big hug as Y/N smiled, returning the hug.

"Unnie, you look so cool!" one of them exclaimed to which Y/N replied, "Thank you, Yeri."

As they pulled apart, Y/N's eyes traveled to the one whom she found her home in. A familiar feeling of heart-fluttering felt inside and she said, "Joohyun."

Irene, her girlfriend for 3 years now, stepped ahead and slid her arms around her waist, hugging Y/N. 

"Hey, love, "Joohyun said as Y/N's arm circled her, giving her small frame a tight squeeze.

They both pulled apart as they looked around to see the rest of them focused on the lyrics in their hands. Today was the day of recording one of their b-side tracks on the ReveFestival: Finale Album.

And it was an honor for Y/N to help them along with their vocal teacher. Y/N let Irene go and let her do her practice as she made her way to talk with the vocal teacher. 

"It's an honor working with you, Ms. Y/N, "the vocal teacher said and Y/N smiled, replying, "And  I you, Sir. Let's get working."

They started summarizing the music and the lyrics as it was time for the girls to step inside the booth and record the song. 

"Okay, girls. Whoever is confident can step in first, "the vocal teacher said.

Y/N grimly looked at each of them as Joy raised her hand, saying, "I'll go in first."


Joy went outside and then came into the booth, wearing the headphones as she practiced her lines over and over again. Y/N looked through the glassed wall and saw her giving a thumbs up.

"Okay, here we go..." the vocal teacher pressed some buttons and rotated some dials as the song started playing.

Y/N examined as her eyes danced between the lyrics in her hand and Joy inside the booth. She nodded along with the rhythm as her experienced brain reacted when she made a slight change in tone.

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