Unrequited love (Irene + Wendy)

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Do you know the feeling of love? The elating feeling of loving someone and being mesmerized just by their view? Just by seeing that person makes you all over happy with butterflies in your stomach?

Yes, that was what Y/N felt towards Irene.

Since they were in middle school, Y/N was certainly attracted towards Irene in a lot of different ways. Not like she was attracted to her only timeless beauty but also with her personality.

Irene was funny in her own way, and it was very charming. At least to Y/N it was. She just couldn't get over the fact that how can someone be so beautiful, yet smart and hilarious. Irene was certainly God's favorite.

However, there was a twist. Irene didn't know how Y/N felt about her. Y/N didn't tell her because she didn't have the courage to.

But, before all of that, they both were the bestest of friends. Holding hands, back hugs, forehead kisses were normal for both of them. Daily hangouts and sleepovers were like a habit for them. They were practically unbreakable at this point and most probably some students envied their relationship.

So, what happened wrong?

Well, it was a normal day at their high school. After school ended on a high note, Irene and Y/N walked home together while holding hands as usual, but something was not fitting perfectly there.

Y/N was profusely sweating as her heart hammered loud enough that she feared Irene might hear her. That day, Y/N decided to confess her feelings to Irene and be free of the heavy burden that she had on herself.

Was it a random thought that she got? No, absolutely not.

Her cousin who came from New York yesterday knew about her situation and she provoked her to confess because later she might lose her chance.

"I-Irene?" she said as her voice was a pitch higher.

Irene stopped in her tracks as she turned to look at Y/N, who was looking slightly pale than usual. She rested her hand on her shoulder and asked in a worried tone, "Y/N? Are you okay? You look a little pale."

Y/N took a deep breath as she nodded and took ahold of her hand in hers. She gazed at her and blushed slightly as her throat felt dry at the moment. Y/N thought that she might faint with so much adrenaline running through her veins.

"I-I have something to tell you, "she started, stuttering a little.

Irene nodded for her to continue as she rubbed her thumb against the back of Y/N's hand, trying to calm her nerves down. However, it only increased her anxiety.

"You know we have known each other from middle school, right?"

"Yes, Y/N, but what is it?" Irene asked, perplexed.

Y/N licked her lips and let out a shuddery breath, saying, "Since middle school, I've always admired you, Irene. Not like friends do, or either best friends. I..."

She looked into her eyes as fear danced in the back of her head. She continued, "I love you. More than a friend should do."

Irene's eyes widen at the sudden confession as she released the grip from her hand and said, "Y/N... I..."

There was an eery silence as they both stared at each other. One with hope and one in shock.

"I'm sorry, "Irene muttered out.

Y/N's heart was in shackles at her simple reply but she smiled, bitterly, saying, "No, don't be. It's okay, Irene. I just... wanted to let you know. It was important for me to tell you that."

"Are you... sure?" Irene asked, voice so timid that it was dissolved in the passing wind.

Y/N nodded as she took ahold of her hand and intertwined it, saying, "Yes, I'm sure, Irene. Don't worry about it. We're fine."

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