Chapter 97 - Emerald Eyes

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A/M: I highly recommend listening to Anson Seabra's 'Emerald Eyes' as you read this chapter for a better reading experience. Enjoy!


Rubbing Pier's back, Ciaran observed the scenario before him.

The small white beads of snow were falling from the sky. The melancholic clouds were still pouring their hearts out and burying every place in its beautiful essence. They were currently sitting on top of the fifth mountain where Ciaran and Pier had to destroy the glowing stone that caused the rampage.

Pier was continuously sobbing in his arms. It was an unending stream of tears and it was making Ciaran crazy.

He never saw Pier cry this much ever since he met him.

"I'm here, I'm here." He repeatedly spoke in order to give Pier assurance that he would be there. That the vampire prince would no longer leave him.

Ciaran's green eyes were looking at Pier with a soft and caring glance. How could he even afford to take his eyes away from his crying lover.

He couldn't do anything.

The vampire prince could not destroy the kingdom for the moment because he needed to prioritize Pier.

Every single vein in his body was screaming for him to go and destroy everything there. Kill every single person who made the young master cry.

Pier was clutching his coat like his life depended on it which added to the wrath Ciaran had inside of him.

"I'm... sorry..." Pier apologized and cried again in his arms.

"It's alright, Pier. Cry your heart out. I will be here for you." He kissed his forehead and embraced Pier's body, engulfing the white-haired noble in his arms fully.

The sobs were uncontrollable. Even Pier's trembling body could not be eased by his words of comfort.

"It hurts... It hurts so much." He heard Pier spoke in a weak and broken voice.

The usually lively and confident Pier that always made him swoon over his feet wasn't there. A broken and weeping one was instead pouring his heart out like a dam.

"How... hic... how could they do that..." Per tried to calm himself down and Ciaran did his part to speak his words of reassurance.

"They do not deserve you, Pier. None of them does." He pushed Pier's disheveled hair back.

"No one will force you to create a child for them. They cannot do that with you. I will make sure of that." He promised and Pier nodded his head in recognition to the words Ciaran spoke.

"The world will come to an end first before they can speak with you like that again. I assure you that." That was Ciaran's final reason of letting people walk all over his lover.

Seeing Pier being spoken to like that, being treated as if he was an object that was only useful for them towards a certain thing, he could not contain his rage after hearing everything.

Seeing Pier create the child he doesn't want with another man was giving him so much anxiety that Ciaran's instincts were telling him to take Pier away from the kingdom. He then would destroy the place until the thing that's only left would be the debris of a fallen place that once had the history of having Pier as the young master.

But he knew he also doesn't have to do that.

Not yet.

Pier was in his arms and crying loudly.

He needed to console Pier first because he would be an even greater bastard than those in the throne room with the white-haired noble if he were to leave his lover alone.

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