Chapter 156 - Gold Coins

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"I should get something from Taron for saving them," Pier muttered as he was tracing the rim of a cup while he leaned on his free hand.

Gideon on the other hand shrugged his shoulders.

"You should, my liege." The swordmaster responded.

"Do you think I was the one who killed their people, Gideon?" The white-haired king inquired and Gideon immediately responded again with what he truthfully thinks of.

"No. You are not the one who killed them, my liege. As a matter of fact, you saved them." Gideon really did think so too.

"The war was meant to happen even if we did not intervene. Cresencia would still have ambushed Taron even if we advanced the invasion a few days prior." He then took another berry from his plate and popped it inside his mouth.

The sweet juice of the fruit made him sigh in happiness.

"What would've happened to Taron if we did not warn them in advance about the war? They would've completely fallen." Pier nodded his head.

He only asked that not because he felt guilty if people were to think he was the one who caused the death of many.

It was because he was weighing how much he should get from Taron as compensation for how many people he saved.

"My liege, you might have done your part in convincing the prince from Cresencia into changing the dates of the invasion but you were also the one who informed Taron about it. They were at the very least able to prepare their forces on guard," he spoke while chewing.

It was all meant to happen.

Gideon thought that if his master had not intervened with the war, Taron might have been under the forces of Cresencia right now.

Pier had the reigns of war in his hands and he got in between Cresencia and Taron. If he had not informed the kingdom about the hidden forces lurking in their borders, the territory probably had been taken over by Cresencia and they would be defeated completely.

Even if Pier was the one who generally instructed the hidden forces to attack Taron at a new date, it was still bound to happen regardless of the circumstances.

His master was so sinister he made the Taron Kingdom look like a fool while crumbling down.

At that moment, Gideon saw the extent of how manipulative and sinister his master could get.

Pier did not want Cresencia alone to enjoy seeing Taron fall. Instead, he took control of them and was the one who initiated the destruction of the kingdom because he himself wanted to see it too.

"It's like causing a tidal wave to rush faster towards land. It would've dealt the same amount of damage to the territory but you only gave it a push, my liege," Gideon nodded his head while looking like a squirrel with his cheeks bloated from consuming many berries at once.

"What do you think should I get from them?" Pier's eyes glowed as he smiled and Gideon paused eating for a second.

'Heck, I thought we were going to have dinner. Why are my liege's eyes glowing like that?' The swordmaster shivered in fear at the sight of his master looking at the cup with amusement.

"Do you want a portion of their land, my liege?" He inquired and gulped the chewed berries in his mouth.

"No. Only a quarter of the lands in our territory is explored as of the moment and I cannot bother to have another territory." Pier chuckled as he finished the sentence and the hair on the back of Gideon's neck stood up in a silent quiver.

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