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Hey, guys! It had been quite some time now since I have finished writing Changing the Course of Fate and Lost in the Path of Fate. It had given me a great opportunity to share what I have in mind as well as create characters whom you guys can relate to, hate, or even love. Really, everyone who had been supporting me for the longest of time and even those who have just caught up with reading, you all are my inspiration in writing this story.

However, lately, I have been losing motivation in continuing the story. 

I don't know if this is because of my personal reasons or I am simply losing it altogether. And so, after weeks of careful deliberation, I have come up with the personal decision of stopping the book as to where it is now.

Thank you to everyone who had been with me ever since the book started to everyone who is still looking forward to every update, I'm sorry.

I really cannot find the urge for me to keep writing this book anymore and I hope you understand my reasons. 

That would be all. Again, thank you! I hope someday I can find the motivation to continue this book again. 

Best of wishes, 


Happy April Fool's Day

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