Chapter 159 - Dreams

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'Where am I?' Pier asked himself as he couldn't recognize the place.

The last memory he had was sleeping on the bed with the vampire king cradling him in his arms.

He roamed his gaze around the unfamiliar place. His feet wanted to roam around and see the entirety of the house.

"Is this a dream?" He spoke before scratching his cheek as he was not sure what to do.

One could not really tell if they were in a dream unless it was lucid.

"A lucid dream?" He hummed as the silence of the rickety old wooden floors erupted all around the porch.

"Doesn't seem like one though," he then turned his head to look at the exterior scenery. There was a pleasant aroma of the autumn breeze caressing the wide field of green grass.

It was tranquil. Not one unpleasant view was there. Everything seemed like it was a place spoken in books where the calm serenity overflows through the field of lush green.

"It looks like a place in the countryside," he then looked at his back and saw that the door of the house was ajar.

Gaining the courage to roam inside, Pier started to walk.

He really did not know how he could get out of the place or his dream but he had a hunch that he needed to see what was inside.

Creaking, the door opened further when he pushed the material.

"Hello?" He tried to call for anyone but silence responded again. Stepping inside, the floor emitted a small creak when his foot landed on the wooden material.

The first scene that greeted him was the living room which was void of any extravagant things. An unlit fireplace had the remains of what looked like burnt wood while the curtains were dangling on the corners to allow sunlight.

The furniture was covered with dust. Chairs and tables alike had traces of small, dusty particles on them and Pier grimaced at how old the place must be.

"Hello?" He called for the presence of another life again but he was still met with an empty response.

'There must be a purpose why I am inside this dream, right? Or is it a random occurrence?' He hummed while trotting inside the house.

An old chandelier was hanging from the ceiling and it looked like it would fall anytime soon. Since the house was divided into what seemed like two divisions, the first and second floor, Pier decided to explore the place.

He first headed into a room that was the nearest.

It was an empty bedroom.

There was a wooden bed frame on the room's corner but nothing else aside from the wooden floor was present.

A single window was perched on the wall and he was able to see the backyard of the house where the presence of the glimmering sun and satisfying breeze could be seen and felt.

"This is nice," he complimented. It was always a lowkey dream of him to live in a place in the countryside where life was simple and he was away from all of the drama.

When he finished analyzing the first room, Pier then got out and went to the second room.

"I hope whoever lives here does not mind having a trespasser like me looking through their house." He shrugged his shoulders and then decided to enter the room that was next to the previous one he entered.

"Oh, this one's messier." he clicked his tongue before roaming his eyes around the room that he entered.

Just like the first room, everything was either covered with dust or are old enough to break with a single touch. The curtains that seemed worn out were hung on a round stick which was then inserted on parallel nails attached so they won't fall.

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