16. Haya's Pov

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If chaos is work of art, then my heart is a masterpiece.


Night was falling. As the sun was going down the western horizon. I believe sunsets were mesmerising as this mankind has discovered it. The ones who laid eyes upon it wouldn't bulge, it has this hypnotising beauty.
The sky was clear with no clouds and the wind still, as we walked beside the shore gazing at the place where the land and sky meet...no, they seem to meet but a vicious fact as it is that they are miles and miles apart from each other and that they can never meet.

"We are always together at the time of sunsets",I heard Sir Shavez say.

"Yeah a coincidence I must say"

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

"It has always been beautiful." I said.

There were not many people just a few couples here and there, hanging out, hands intervened, having ice cream or just talking.

"Is this your first time here?" He asked noticing me watching people.

"Yeah, never came here though I spent my entire childhood in this city."

"Tell me when you feel like coming here again I'll take you, I come here very often with my mother...I love this place", He said with twinkling stars in his eyes."look there's a Ferris wheel too, Shall we have a ride?"

"I've never been to one before, I think I'll just scare you off",I let out a laugh.

"Well...let's give it a try, I always wanted to but I can't take my mum along you know... so never got to" He said.

I didn't know what to tell...

"Lets go before it's dark come on" He said walking faster towards the ride and I had to follow him.

Honestly I wasn't afraid of heights, I was just nervous, being my first time and that too with a person who I consider my guardian angel I obviously had to be nervous. What if I shout outta nowhere and make a fool out of myself, that's the last thing I wanna do, I would never want to embarrass myself especially not in front of him..... No that shouldn't happen...

We sat on opposite seats and when the ride took off I adjusted myself to get a proper view of the world from above. And wow! it was so indescribable, incredible!...I literally saw the day and night meet....the perfection of timing had me in tears, the tint of orange disappearing from one side and the sky taking the night into its arms from the other.......The city looked utterly beautiful beneath the dim light of sun rays penetrating from where it had already set and the city lights spread across the Earth forming a blanket of stars.

The creation of Almighty can never be imitated is the one thing that came to my mind then. And lord...there are so many beautiful things on this Earth for me to see yet...I'm missing out so much.

For the whole ride it inadvertently slipped my mind that Sir Shavez was sitting right in front of me. I was so lost in admiring and capturing the views in my eyes, before me.

"How was it?" He smiled at me while getting off the seat. "Judging by the way you look.... you enjoyed I presume".

"I...I can just say thank you, if not for you I would have never tried and would never get to see...it was so beautiful."

"You don't have to say that, you know, and yes it was very very pretty, I wished the time could just halt for me to keep on staring at the spectacular vision I had before me" He said as we walked on the sand, I felt it on the edge of every footstep,the wind, shifting to my back .The fight, turning into flight and I could almost taste the sky.

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