A Different Side

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Liam's POV

I wake up to banging on the door. Looking around I see it's still late at night. Zayn is sleeping with soft snores coming out of his mouth. Smiling softly at him I get out of bed to see who the hell is banging on the damn door.

"What the hell are you doing banging on the door in the middle of the night?" I ask not even looking to see who it was.

"I-I-I'm so-rry. I didn't mean to make you mad. It- it's just that..." Looking up I see Micheal with his arms wrapped around him and it was evident that he has been crying. I've only seen him like this a couple of times. He looked so venerable.

"Do you wanna go downstairs and talk, Mikey-poo?" I asked carefully. He slowly nodded his head. I slowly and quietly as possible closed the door. When I turned around I saw that Micheal had already gone downstairs. I sighed and walked downstairs to find him wrapped up in a blanket and silently crying. It breaks my heart to see him like this. I carefully walk over to him trying not to scare him.

"Mikey what's wrong?" I asked him sitting next to him. He shakes his head and continues to cry softly.

"Okay, will you tell me what is wrong?"

"I don't want you to get mad." I furrowed eyebrows together in confussion. He is sitting here crying, clearly upset, why would I get mad at? Just make sure to stay calm, Liam. Stay calm.

"Micheal, I want you to tell me. I promise that I won't get mad. However, I can't promise that you won't get punished depending on what it is."

"I-I'm sorry, that, it's just that. Anika, well, she was um, pre-pregant. Only a couple of weeks, not very far at all. It's just not fair. It wasn't even given the chance. She did everything right. We-we sh-ould have told you. I'm so sorry." He sobbed out curling himself in a ball.

The fuck did he just tell me?! Okay, Anika had a miscarrige. I didn't even know that she was pregant. Calm down, Liam. They are just kids who made a mistake. They are 16! What are they thinking not having protected sex? What are they thinking having SEX?! Keep your cool. Both of them are most likely extremely upset. I know how upset Zayn and I were.

"How is Anika?' I ask sighing and running my hand through my hair. He continued to sob out, but I could hear muffled answer.

"She doesn't want anybody right now. The girls are taking care of her." I nodded my head. I tried to pull Mikey into my arms, but he flinched the moment I touched him.

"Mikey, I'm not going to hurt. Nobody is introuble. Everything will be okay. Eventually." I whisper pulling him into a hug with much difficulty. He continued to try to fight me.

"What else is on your mind?" I ask once he finally settled down on my lap. I have been curious which one would break first out of the boys.  Mikey puts up a tough front, but he is just like a little playful kitten.  It's a lot to take on at their age. They are in the spot light more and more, have to deal with school, all this dumb shit with that other pack, and hide the fact that you are a werewolf.

"I just don't want to do this anymore." He sobbs into my shoulder.

"I know, baby. I know. Shhh, it's just a hard moment in life right now. I promise it will get better." I tried to soothe him.

"Make it stop! Please!" I try to get him to calm down, but I can't! The pain of losing a child is horrible, born or not, blood or not. Your child is your child no matter how. Right now my child needs me.

"I'm sorry. I can't make it stop. You and Anika have to heal, both of you together. I get that it hurts. It will eventually heal. Just like a wound."

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