Luke's First Run

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Liam's POV

So, today is the day that I decided that Luke is ready for a run. I haven't told him yet.  Last night I talked to Zayn and Lou about it.  It was a long conversion.  Zayn was with the one that was like 'He isn't ready.'  Lou was all for it though.  I talked to Zayn and he voiced his concerns and I saw were he was coming from.

I really was nervous about letting Luke go on a run.  I am going with him but, he doesn't pay attention that while.  I walk up to his room and knock on the door.  I walk in the room without waiting on a 'come in'  it's not like he don't have anything that everybody else in this house does.  He looks like he was about to say something then realized that it was me and quickly changed his mind.

"Oh, hey Liam.  Can I help you?"

"No.  I can help you though."

"I'm not following."

"What is the one thing that you have been bugging me about for about a year?"  He looked confused at first but, then his face lit up.

"A run?"  He said so hopefully.  I couldn't help but chuckle at him a little.

"Yes.  So, change clothes and lets go."  he jumped up and into my arms and wrapped his legs around me.

"Luke get off me.  The fast you change the fast we can leave."  He jumped off me and started going through his clothes like a mad man.  Please tell me that I am not making a bad decision.  I leave his room for my own.  I get changed quickly and then make my way downstairs to wait on Luke.

Luke's POV

I can't believe it!  Liam is taking me on my first run!  I'm super excited.  After I changed clothes I ran down the stairs to meet Liam.  He was with Zayn and Lou.  Lou was all happy but, Zayn had a worried look on his face. I guess he isn't all for me going on this run.  Oh well, it's Liam's choice not his.

"Are you ready pup?"  I quickly nodded my head.

"Okay, lets go."  He made is way out of the back door and I followed closely behind.

"I want you to stay close to me.  Do not run off.  Out there you don't know where the line to the territory is.  If you cross that line it would be very dangerous.  Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir."  We mad our way to the fence.  I never really noticed how big the back yard is.  After we climbed over it we took of running.  Liam was so fast and I knew that he had already slow down for me.  I kept up with him though.

Soon he stopped running and looked over at me.  He looked as if he was going to go all alpha on me.  At least I know I'm not in trouble so, this is most likely some lesson that I will need to know in the future.

"This is the line.  It's about 20 miles off of the fence and that is in every direction.  The land is small but, you must never cross over that line.  It is a good way to put your life in danger.  Come on I got something else I want to show you."

He ran off but, I didn't follow him this time.  I was really curious about they others pack's territory.  So, without really think about what Liam said I crossed over the line and walked into their territory.  I walked around for about 15 minutes before I saw someone.  They came up to me and I started to get a little scared.

"Who are you?"


"Liam's pack?"  I nodded in response not trusting my voice.

"I'm Oli and you are in my territory."  He said my.  Shit, he is the alpha of this pack.

"I'm sorry." I was starting to get scared.  What am I going to do?

"Your sorry is all you have to say.  Do you know how dangerous it is to cross over into someone else's territory?"

"No not really."  I spoke timidly.

"Maybe someone should show you."  He grabbed my shirt and throw me into a tree. I was about to punch me when Liam ran up.


"Liam, did you lose something?"  Oli asked smugly.  Liam glared at me and I knew that I was in for it.

"Sorry about that Oli.  It will be dealt with.  You can trust me on that."

"Hey, it's no problem mate. I was the same way when I was a pup."

"Thanks.  Oh, and Oli don't ever act like you are going to hit him again.  I don't  care if you know that I am watching."

"You got it mate.  Now, both of you get the bloody hell of my territory."  Liam walked over to me and pulled me up.  He then pulled me back over the line.  He didn't let go for a couple more minutes.  When he finail did I knew what was going to happen.

"What the hell!?!  Do you know how dangerous that is.  You are lucky that Oli isn't a dick or he could have seriously hurt you.  I am not going to have you disobey me like that and put your life in danger.  Go find a switch."

I didn't argue with him or say a thing. I went and found a good switch then, came back over he grabbed it out my my hands.

"Pull them down and your underwear.  Then put your hands on your knees."  I did as I was told and waited for the first stroke.

SMACK  I bit my lip to keep from making a sound.

SMACK I had tears coming down my face.  I don't know how many I can take with the switch.

SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK  I couldn't help it anymore.  I burst into sobs and started begging him.

"L-L-Li-Liam p-p-please. H-H-Hurts. N-No m-m-more."  I stumbled over ever word.

" Four more, pup.  But your not done after that."  I started to cry harder.  That meant that when we got home I was going to get a spanking.  I can't handle that.




SMACK  He through the switch down and I fell down on the ground.  He set down beside me and rubbed my back while I cried.

"I'm sorry.  Please n-no more."

"Shh, it's ok.  I have to make sure that this doesn't happen again."  He picked up my underwear and jogging shorts.  He then picked me up and carried me back to the house as I cried into his shoulder. When we got back to the house he carried me up to his room and put me over his lap.  He pulled down my joggers and underwear.


I was sobbing and begging.  It might not have been a lot but, my bum was already on fire from the switch.  He picked up my boxers and picked me up to put me on his lap.  I cried into his chest as he whispered into my ear and rubbed my back.

"Shh, it's ok.  Your forgiven.  I want you to know that what you did was really dangerous.  I don't ever want you to be so reckless again.  Is that clear?"

"Yes sir.  I'm sorry.  I won't do it again."

"I know you won't.  How about you get some sleep."

"Will you stay with me?"

"Considering that you are in my room, yes I will stay."

We laid down and fell asleep for a little while when we woke up I got a shower while he helped Zayn and Lou make lunch.  We all ate together and watched movies for the rest of the night.


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