Taking The Blame

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Harry's POV

CRASH!!!! That's what the window did as the football went through it. This is the sixth window that I have broken. Last time I did it Liam said that he would make sure that I didn't sit for a week. I sit down and bring my knees to my chest as I started crying. Liam isn't home right now and I know that I am lucky or he would have came out here by now and start spanking me. Louis walked out of the back door and came to sit down beside me. He rubbed my back as I cried into his shoulder.

"Harry, what happened?"

"I was kicking the football around and I kicked it to hard so it hit the window. I'm sorry. I will pay for it. I didn't mean to do it."

"Shh, I know that you didn't mean it. Now, why are you crying? Did you get cut on the glass some how?"

"No. This is  the sixth window that I have broken with the football and last time Liam told me that he was going to make sure that I wouldn't sit for a week. I don't want him to spank me that hard. It was an accident." I said crying harder into Louis neck. He let out a sigh.

"Harry calm down. I will make you deal. I will tell Liam that is was me that broke the window, but your grounded for a month and I am going to give you 10 licks with a switch. Yes, you can keep your trousers up. Is that a deal?"

"Loubear I can't let you take a spanking from Liam for me." I said looking him in the eye. I wasn't going to let him have a red bum for me. I couldn't let him do that for me.

"Hazza, it's not up for discussion. I was more of telling you what is going to happen. Now, hand over your phone and go bend over the patio table."

"No, can we do it inside? What if one of the guys see?"

"It's part of the punishment and they wouldn't laugh or they would be in the same position. And you know that they know that. Now, if you don't do as I asked I am going to pull your trousers down." I quickly handed him my phone and made my away over to the table. I bent my self over the table waiting for Lou to get the switch. It didn't take him long to get it. He came up behind be placing a hand on my lower back before starting.


He put the switch down next to me and pulled me up into a hug. I wasn't crying much harder than I was before the spanking. My bum stung a lot, but I wasn't in a lot of pain.

"Now, I want you go gather all - I mean all - your electronics and put them on my bed. You don't even think about playing the xbox for this inter month. Also if Liam ask why you are grounded you are going to tell him that you back talked and cursed at me. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Go lay down in your bed after doing as I asked. You should hurry. Liam is going to be home any minute."

I nodded my head ran inside the house to gather all my electronics. After I was done I laid in my bed trying to fall asleep before Louis spanking started. I didn't want to hear him in pain. I can't believe that I am letting him do this. I cried myself to sleep feeling guilty that I was going to let him do this.

Louis's POV

I started cleaning up the shatter glass when Liam came home and walked into the kitchen. He looked like he was ready to explode. His face turned a shade of red. he was about to go upstairs and find out who broke the window before I stopped him.

"Liam wait."

"No, I'm going to go upstairs and find out who broke the damn window."

"Actually Liam I broke it."

"You did what?!?!" I instantly regretted telling him, but I knew that Harry was scared of Liam following through on his threat.

"It was an accident. I was kicking the football around outside and I kicked it a little to hard. I'm really sorry Liam. Please don't spank me." I said trying to get out of this. Mainly just to make it seem like I really did break the window and not someone else.

"What would we have done if it was one of the boys?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I knew the answer and I wasn't going to like it. But, I knew what I was getting into when I told Hazza that I would take the spanking for him.

"A spanking, sir." I hung my head as an act of being submissive.

"That's right. Now get out of that glass before you cut yourself. You are getting 45 with the switch bare. I don't want to here a word out of you the inter time. You are older and should be an example of how to take a spanking. Now, follow me outside." I did as he told me not daring to argue with anything that Liam said. Once outside he forcefully bent me over the table, pulled down my trouser and underwear, then picked up the switch beside that I used on Harry. He pinned my hands to my back before starting.


I was crying hard and biting my lip not to cry out in pain and beg him to stop. Liam is by far the hardest spanker, he spanks harded than Paul and that is saying something.


"Liam, pl-ease. No more. I'm s-so sorr-y."

"I am adding on five more. The last 10 are going to be the hardest. You need to stay quiet."


After he was done I let out a high pitched cry/scream. Liam put the switch down beside me and rubbed my bum trying to get some of the pain out of it. I only cried harder as he touched my bum. He pulled me into a hug as I cried into his shoulder. After about three minutes I pulled up my underwear and trousers. I was about to walk into the house when he stopped me.

"Where do you think that you are going?"

"To clean up the glass before on of the boys gets into it."

"Ok. And you know that you are paying for that window right?"

"Yes sir." I said. I know that I should make Harry pay for it but I just couldn't do it. I went inside cleaned up the glass, gave Liam the money for the window, then went off to bed. Harry looked like he was having a nightmare so I climbed in bed with him trying to make him feel safe. We both slept for the rest of the day.


Sorry, I know that I would normally update before now. It's July 3 here and that means it's my birthday. It's so weird I normally love my birthday but this year I don't even want to celebrate it. Oh well. So, I have a couple of question for you guys.

1) When is your birthday?
2) Why would Louis take the blame for Harry? Was he just being a good friend?


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I know that it seems like a lot, but y'all reach the goal to fast like with in two days the last time. So, we need to raise it. I'm NOT updating UNTIL the goal is reached. So, the faster the goal is reached the faster I update. I just felt like it was Louis turn to get a spanking. 3) What did y'all think?

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