Calum's Return

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Liam's POV

It's been about a week and the only thing I have gotten from Calum is a email. He has only sent Kyanna a couple of text. Even though I'm furious at him I wish I knew that he was okay. That he was safe. Hell, I'm not even sure where he went.

"Liam?" I heard a voice asked me timidly. I looked up from my position sitting behind my desk. I looked at Kay standing there nervously.

"Yes?" I asked gently. She came forward and handed me her phone with a text from Calum. 'Hey, I'm going to be home in a hours. Could you give me a range of how pissed Liam is?'

"Would you mind if I replied for you." I asked coming out more of a command. She didn't say anything so I took that as my okay.
'Get your ass home. We will talk after that. You are in a lot of trouble. -Liam'

I handed Kay her phone back and she quietly walked out of the office. I groaned and ran a hand through my hair. I have no idea what to do about Calum. I don't want to scare him, but I need to also get my point across.

"Liam, babe, you shouldn't stress about it anymore. He will be home soon. Maybe he has a good reason for leaving. Everything with Vincent might have scared him. He is still a kid. He probably went to go see him mum." Zayn said coming around my desk and setting on my lap.

"His mum would have called me if he went there. That was what we all agreed on." I said wrapping my arms around him. He laid his head on my shoulders and closed his eyes.

"Tired?" I asked him. He kissed my neck in response. I smiled softly before getting him to stop by moving my shoulder gently.

"Hey, I'm 'tired'!" He objected putting air quotes around tired.

"Keep your hormones under control. I've got things I've got to think about." I said kindly, but sternly to him. He pouted, but nodded his head in understanding.

"I could have helped with that." I heard him mumble under his breath. Instead of continuing the conversation I gave him a sharp smack to his thigh. He glared at me and I raised my eyebrow back at him.

"Sorry." He said half heartedly.

"It's fine, Z." I told him pulling him into a hug.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. What are we going to do about Calum?" I asked.

"Talk to Louis. You two are good at helping each other." He told me. I guess he is right. Louis is the one I go to when I need help or just need to talk to someone.

"Alright. Go get him for me please. We will cuddle later." I kissed him softly before he pulled away and swayed his hips more than need as he walked out of the door.

"Damn." I mumbled after he left. Louis came in not long after and flopped down in the chair.

"What do you need the fabulous Tommo for?" He flicking his hair. I looked at him for a seconded before I spoke.

"Could you be anymore gay?" I asked him with a chuckle. He flipped me off and playfully rolled his eyes.

"Seriously, I could be having sex with Harry right now. What's on your mind? You smell horribly like anxiety." He said.

"Calum. He said he was going to be home soon. I don't know what to do. I need to get the point across without scaring him more than Vincent has. The problem is that he didn't tell anybody he wanted to go home." I said with a sigh putting my head in my hands.

"You assume he went home."

"Do you know something I don't?" I asked curiously

"Joy called me and asked if he was sick or injured or something. He didn't call her when he would normally. So I doubt he went home."

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