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Calum's POV

"Fuck off Niall!"

"Oh, how very mature of you!"

"Says you! I'm how many years younger than you again?" I argued back to him. Niall and I have been at each others throats for the majority of the week. Liam, Zayn, and Louis have warned us both on multiple accounts. They just don't have to deal with him! He is so frustrating sometimes.

"Well maybe if you actually acted your age then we wouldn't be having this problem?"

"Act my age?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

"Yes. Do you need me to slow that down for you? Did the wittle puppy not understand? No he didn't." He said baby talking to me. I couldn't take it anymore. Seeing red and acting on a more animalistic side I attacked him.

Before I realized what I was doing I was half way shifted and had already shoved Niall through the wall. Next thing I know he is on top of me also half way shifted with his claws digging into my side. I clawed at his face leaving scratch marks.

He instantly started punching at me. I kicked him off of me with all that I had into me. He landed onto a table that's was against the wall breaking everything that was on it along with the actual table. He was lunging at me and knocking me back down within seconds. Damn werewolf speed.

We started rolling around both trying to get the upper hand. Niall being older and more experienced with fighting quickly got it. However that didn't stop me from trying. I did the only thing that I could think of and bite down onto his arm as hard as I could. Instantly his blood flowed into my mouth. He growled and bite down onto my shoulder.

Clawing at him I was able to get him to stop. We both stood up and quickly tried to get each other into a head lock. The next thing I know we are being pulled apart and both thrown against opposite walls with a growl that was unmistakably Liam's.

I could hear him breathing and feel the anger coming off of him. I was terrified to even look up at him. Instead I was trying my best to make myself as small as possible. I glanced up to look at Niall trying to do the samething. When I looked up I could see that there was know three people in the room. With one good smell if the room I could tell that it was Zayn and Louis, both mad as well. Not that I would need to catch their scent to know who it was.

"What the hell is wrong with the both of you? Fighting for fucks sake! I have a right mind to just let you two continue this, but that would be to simple." Liam said. I've never had him this mad at me. For the first time in my life I was scared of what he might do. I know he wouldn't hurt me out of anger, but this is different. It was the alpha part of him I have never felt or seen before.

"We're sorry, Liam." I could hear Niall say.

"Sorry? No you aren't near sorry yet. Scared maybe, but not sorry. Louis, Zayn get them to their feet." I could feel Louis pull on my arm gently; I let him pull me to my feet, not once looking up from the ground

"It's going to be okay, Cal." Louis whispered into my hear and rubbed my back gently. All I wanted to was cling to him for comfort.

"Both of you come stand in front of me." Slowly I moved forward feet feeling like concrete. When I was about a foot from him I stop walking. Feeling the tears slowly start making their way down my cheeks. I felt Niall's arm brush up against mine.

"Look at me." Liam said calmer than when he first came in here. I felt his finger find its way under my chin and gently as possible pull my head up to look at him. The way his face was resting said he was furious at us, but his eyes held something so much more. They held sadness. Maybe for what was to come. The worst part was that they held so much disappointment.

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