Don't Think That Louis Won't Do It

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Ok, y'all I need feedback I mean if anyone is reading it an actual likes it.  And if you have ideas I'm all ears.


Louis POV

I'm setting the the sun room reading a book and hoping that the boys will sleep in late today.  Liam and Zayn are not home.  Zayn went to go see his girl in town.  Liam went on a run to get away from everybody.  I wish that I could have gone but, with Zayn not here I knew that I had to stay.  I decide that to make the lads breakfast brefore getting them up.  I know it will at least help them get out of bed.  I really want everything to go smoothly today.  I don't think that I can spank any of them.  It's not like I haven't spanked them before but, I can't do it.  That is why Liam and Zayn take on the role of disciplinarian.

I love the boys with all my heart.  But, they can be so infuriating.  I go it the kitchen to make pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and some fruit.  I can't help and wonder if that is enough food.  Oh well, I got to get them up so I run up the stairs and bang on the doors as I walk down the hall.  One by one you can hear the boys groans of annoyance.

"Boys, get up."

"NO!"  I heard some one say.  I think that it was Michael.

"There food down stairs to eat."  With that you can hear them jump out of the and run down stairs. I couldn't help but, laugh as I see them trying to beat one another to the table for the food.  Everyone is laughing and talking at breakfast.  Man please the rest of the day go good like this. 

"Ok, boys go and put your dishes in the dish washer then, go get dressed."

"Yes sir" they said in unison

"Good boys"  Calum looked over at me as if I offend him in some way way.

"Where not dogs Louis."

"Oh, really?  A bunch of werewolf teenage boys aren't dogs?"  I question him jokingly.

"No we are not." He said jokingly back turning his head away from me and sticking his nose in the air.

"Okay."  I laughed "then go get dressed for the day."

Harry POV

I ran upstairs to mine and Lou's room to get dressed.  When Niall came in we made a spot on the floor to play FIFA on xbox.  The game was going great. 

"Hey, Niall."


"You know what I just thought of?"

"No, what?"

"Louis is the one watching us today no Liam or Zayn."

"Yeah, so?"

"So, we can get away with like anything."

"How do you figure that?"

"Because Lou won't spank us.  He has to big of a heart."

"I don't think so.  I've been over his knee a couple of times and he sure knows how to get his point across."

"Whatever.  I'm going to go do something fun."

"Fine.  Get in trouble."

I run off to Michaels and Calum's room.  They weren't in there so, I got a brilliant idea.  I trashed it.  Oops.  Well, I'm done here.  I run into Louis on my way out of their room.

"What were you doing in their room?"

"Ummmm..... nothing boobear."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really."

"So you don't care if I look."  I gulped

"No, not at all."  Shit I'm so dead.  I walked in the room behind him.  I felt a smack on my bum and I knew that there is no way that I am lieing my way out of this one.

"Harry Styles, have you lost your damn mind.  You do NOT mess with other peoples stuff!"

"I'm sorry."  I really wasn't and he most likely knew it.

"No you not.  But, your about to be.  Our room NOW."  I didn't want to make him any madder so I ran off. I heard him come in the room and l close the door. It sounds as if he is pacing back and forth.

"Harry why in the bloody hell do that?"  I didn't answer him.  Truthful knowing that my boobear is mad at me made me want to cry my eyes out.

"Answer me."

"I don't know.  I just wanted to have a little fun."

"Fun?  You wanted to have fun. What you did was in no way fun!  It was rude and you should be ashamed of yourself.  But, your not are you?"

"Yes I am.  I really am  I wasn't at first."  I really was starting to feel bad for what I did.

"Your getting a spanking that is final.  Do no try to get yourself out of it."

"Yes sir"

"Over my lap"  I did as he told and waited for the spanking to start.  I felt him pull down my black skinny jeans.

"Harry why are you getting this spanking?"

"Because I trashed Michael and Calum's room."

Smack Smack Smack Smck Smack Smack Smack Samck Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack 

I was begging and pleading for Louis to stop.

"Please Lou I'm sorry.  I will clean the room but, please stop."  He might not ave been spanking me that long but, Niall was right he did know how to spank someone when he needed to.

"You right that you will clean the room.  And you can also tell Liam about this when he gets back tonight form the run.  And you will be lucky if he doesn't pull you over his knee himself."

"Lou no! Please don't let him spank.  I can't get spanked twice in one day.  And not by Liam!!  I wouldn't be able to sit of a month."  He just continued to rain smacks down on my bum.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack  Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

"It's over Hazza.  Calm down."  He picked me up and put me on his lap.  I cried into his shoulder.

"Please don't let Liam spank me too!!!  I can't take another spanking!!!  Please."  I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Look at me Harry.  I won't make you tell Liam."  I got all happy the second that the words left his mouth.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"But, you are going to be grounded for the next 4 days.  No phone, laptop, xbox, ect. you know the rules.  And you are going to put their room back together.  Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"I love you, Hazza."

"I love you too boobear."

"Now go and pick that room up."  I ran off to go and put Michael and Calum's room back together.

Louis POV

After Harry's spanking I went back downstairs into the sun room, picked up my book, and started reading again.  I love these boys.  But, can't they just behave for once.


Ok, so like I said at the beginning I need feedback.  It would help a lot.  And if you have ideas I would love to hear them.

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