Niall's Girl

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So, the first person that I have picked for the boys girl is............ Bri_anna2. Hope you like it sweetheart!!!

Ava's POV

I was in my favorite place to shop today, 'Vintage Records'. I know that it sounds lame, but it's on of the main types of music that I like. I mean other than Ed Sheeran, John Legend, you know things like that. I was looking at an old record of one of my favorite bands. When suddenly I heard someone beside me.

"It's a good one." I heard a think Irish accent say. I look over to be meet by a pair of gorgeous blue eyes that light up the room. He looked so familiar. I then realized why I knew that face. It was the face of none other than the Niall Horan. I knew who he was. His boy band is ok. I smiled surprised at him. He is into stuff that most people don't really like. That is awesome.

"Oh really? Then you won't mind if I quiz you."

"Go for it." I quiz him on the band as I did he answered most of the question right. He fact that he knew all this stuff just made me smile bigger. I gotta to say that he is really cute. After I finished my quiz I went back to looking at the records.

"Hey, you got to ask me questions. Can I ask you one?"

"You kinda just did."

"Touche. What's your name? I doubt that you want me to call you red."

"Why would you call me red?" I asked confused about were this boy was going.

"Your hair. The tips are dyed a vibrant red and you are going to ask me why I would call you red?"

"Well, at least I'm not blonde." I joked with him. He smiled and playful punched my arm.

"Are you sure about that? You kinda just had a major blonde moment. Seriously what is your name?"

"Ava." I said trying to cover the blush that was on my cheeks. He moved a pick of hair that had fallen in my face.

"Well Ava, I'm Niall. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said holding his hand out. I shook his hand and couldn't help but notice that my hand fit into his perfectly. We stayed at the record shop for another hour before we decided to go to a cafe down the street. As we walked there he held my hand. Again It was a perfect fit. It was like I was in a dream. Most girls would kill to be in my position. Most of those girls are crazy pre-teens though. When we got to the cafe he opened the door for me and bought me a coffee.

"So, what is other things that you like?" I asked him.

"Eating and football."

"I like both of those things too."

"Ok, it's official I'm going to have to marry you now." I laughed at his cuteness, but I kinda liked the idea at the same time. I know that I just meet him, but I really like him. We talked for hours sitting in that cafe. The way that he looked at me was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was a look of almost love. It was something magical.

"Ava can you excuse me while I go make a phone call real quick."

"Of course." He smiled at me then got up and stepped outside the cafe to make his phone call. As he was on the phone I could see him making funny faces at me through the window. It just made me smile more if that was even possible. When he got off the phone and came back in he was all excited about something.

"Ava would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"

"Are you sure? I don't want to impose on anything."

"Don't worry about it. I want you to meet my family. Well, they are my band mates and 5sos, but they are my family."

"Okay. Only if you are sure that it is ok with them."

"I just got off the phone with Liam. He said that it wasn't a problem."

"Okay then." We got in his car and drove out of the city. About 15 minutes out of the city we turned down a driveway to a breath taking house. Niall parked the car and came around to my side to open the door for me.

When we got into the house we where greeted by three guys that are a little older than Niall. There was one with blue eyes, one with olive skin tone, and one that looked at me kinda strange.

"Ava this is Louis, Zayn, and Liam."

"It's nice to meet you all." I said as kindly as I could. It wasn't then until I was standing in a house of people like me. That explains we that one guy Liam I think is staring at me like that. Zayn seemed to like me right of the bat. He was very pleased that I was myself and choose to express myself how I wanted to. Louis at first was a little cautious of me. He though that I was just a bad girl that was going to influence Niall to the wrong things. Liam on the other hand asked to talk to me alone for a minute. I figured out that he was the Alpha. I followed him to the back patio and we set in the furniture that was out there.

"Why are you here?"

"Because Naill invited me."

"That's not what I meant. Where is your pack?"

"I don't have one."

"Why is that? Did you get kicked out?"

"No, nothing like that. I ran away. I didn't want to be in a arranged marriage so I ran away."

"Look, if you date Niall you have pack. But that mean that you follow my rules and do things my way. You don't have to stay here at the pack house if you don't want to you,but I do expect you to listen to me, Zayn, and Louis. Got that?"

"Yes sir." That was the last on subject. Later that night I got to know the pack better. Niall and I went on a couple dates. They were the best dates of my life. It was like he was the only person that I saw. Soon after people found out that we were together which didn't take long considering that he is part of the biggest boy band in the world. I started getting hate on twitter. People said some pretty nasty things to me.

'Why is Niall even dating you? We all know that you are only dating him for the fame.' There were a lot of comments like this. First it didn't bother me, but after a little while it did. Niall would hold me and let me cry into his shoulder when ever one or two or all of them really got to me.

"Why do they hate me so much?"

"Because, you are gorgeous and they have nothing better to do with their lives. I know that you aren't dating me for the fame. And don't listen to those people. They are just jealous of you."

He was always there for me on matter how much stuff was going on. He had a couple make out sessions, but that was it. He and I didn't want to take it to fast. Our relationship was perfect. Nothing could make this better or worse. I loved him and he loved me. What could get better than that?

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