Stealing And Weed

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Ahston's POV

I'm sneaking into Liam's room to check his wallet.  I've done it to Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Michael already.  We almost have enough money.  Luke and I want to go do something that we have wanted to do for awhile.  I find Liam's wallet on his nightstand.  It has about $530 in it.  Why does he keep so much money?  Oh well, we need the money.  I walk back into the mine and Luke's room.

"What did you get?"  He asked me before I could ever finish closing the door.

"About $1,580."

"Damn, do you think that we are going to need that much?"

"Yeah, we are paying for the weed and the digression.  Nobody can know that we are doing this.  If it ends up in news tne band is done for."

"Yeah I guess that you are right.  So, when are we going to get the guy?"

"At 8:00.  We will leave after dinner.  I asked Liam if we could go to the movies and he said as long as we are home before midnight."

"Alright.  Dinner is supposed to done in a few minutes.  We better get down there so that Liam doesn't change his mind."

"Your right.  Lets go Lukey."

"Ok, Ashy."  We walked downstairs and made our way to the table.  Dinner went by fast when Luke and I were done we left to go meet the guy.

20 Minutes Later In Town Meeting The Guy

Luke's POV

We are in town to meet this guy.  We go to the place to the guy and guess what it's fucking Ed Sheeran,

"Ash,  why didn't you tell me that it was Ed?"

"He didn't want anybody to know.  We are just going to give him the money get what we came for and leave."

"Ok."  We walked over to him we gave him the money he gave us the weed.

"Boys, be careful that is strong stuff and Liam is going to kill you id he smells it on you."  He warned us.

"Ed we know.  We are going to go behind the house.  Don't worry about it."  Ashton told him.

We walked back to the car and went back home.  We pushed the car up the driveway so that the guys wouldn't hear us coming back.  After we put the car in it's place we went to the back patio since nobody comes out here after dark.

Ed had already rolled it for us so, we just had to smoke it.  I didn't want to but, Ashton was all for the idea.  We had just light up the roll and smoked about have of the roll when the light to the patio flashed on.  Liam, Zayn, and Louis came out looking like they are going to explode at any minute. 

"Do you two have something that you would like to say?"  Liam asked in fucking alpha voice.  I really hate it when he does that.  How does he do it?  It's really scary.

"I'm sorry."  I blurted out.

"Ashton?"  Zayn asked.  He looked up with tears in his eyes.  He then blurted out.

"I'm hungry, do we have any ice cream?  Ice cream is the fucking shit?  It would be awesome if we could have ice cream.  Oh, what about cake like red velvet.  Doesn't that sound good?  Like waffles.

Everybody but, Liam burst into a fit of laughter.  He was just infuriated with the fact that Ashton had just said that.  He was high.  I was to a little bit but, I know what I'm going.

"Zayn will you please take Luke inside and give him a punishment of a life time."  He wasn't asking he was telling.  I looked down and was pulled up by Liam and I looked up at him.

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