I Thought You Knew Better

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Niall's POV

"Are you sure you aren't just a chicken?" Ed asked me as he once again to pass me a joint. Truthfully I was kinda scared. What if Liam or one of the guys found out? I wouldn't be able to sit for weeks! But, I wasn't about to tell Ed that I was scared of getting a spanking.

"I'm not scared. I just want to make wise choices."

"So in other words you're a pussy."

"I am not a pussy, you bastard!"

"Then take the damn thing." He said once again for the seventh billion time. I reached out a shaking hand and took the joint from him. I stuck it between my teeth and inhaled. I had to admit it really was nice.

About an hour later I walked back home the second I walked into through the front door I was dragged over to the couch in the living room.

"Naill James Horan, where the hell have you been? And what the hell have you been doing?" I honestly was to high to process what was being said or even who was talking to me. I felt whoever it was unbuckle my belt, pulling down my skinnies with my underwear following soon after.

I was roughly bent over the couch and something made a 'whishing' sound as it made its way through the air. Next I know I feel something hit my bum and a fire of pain exploded through my bum. I bit my lip to keep from screaming out in pain. I then realized what was going on. Looking back I'm faced with looking at Zayn.

"Zayn? What the bloody hell,  a switch?" I said as the second stroke came down just under the one before. This continued for 18 more strokes. I was a bawling mess by the end of it. Zayn stood me up and put me in the corner for 26 mintues before he called me over. I was still crying my eyes out. By this point I had lost any high that I had at this point. I still haven't been told anything or even given a slight hug.

"Niall turn around and come over here." I did as he said, but when I turned around not only was Zayn there, but Liam was too. I started crying harder when I saw that Liam was holding the switch in his hand. I continued to my way over to the both of them terrified.

"Naill I really thought you knew better than do something so stupid as getting high. Let me guess it was Ed.  I told you that you were to stay away from him. Now, you have been punished for getting high, but I am giving you another punishment for disobeying me. Now, you have a choice. You can either be belted on your bare bum 30 times. Or you can take 10 more strokes from the switch on your bare bum. What is your choice?"

I stood there and thought it over. I quickly decided that 10 was better than 30. I let out a shakey sob before I answered him.

"The switch, sir." I said as my lip began to quiver.

"Then bend yourself over the couch."

"Li, can I please go over your lap?" My eyes pleading with him. He gave me the look at said I shouldn't have even asked that question.

"Niall, what did I tell you?

"Lili, please, I promise that I will never disobey you again. Can I please go over your lap instead of the couch?"

"Naill James, you are disobeying me right now. So get your ass bent over that damn couch! NOW!"  I gave up my fight and did as Liam told me. He put his hand on my lower back to keep me in place. The smacks can hard and fast.


I was screaming and begging him to stop. I can image that my bum is going to be slightly bruised for a few days.

Liam pulled up my boxers and I let out another scream in pain. He picked me up and set down on the couch with me in his lap. Of course being mindful of my freshly spanked bum.

"Shh, it's going to be okay, Ni. Calm your breathing for me honey. Breath with me okay.  In... and out. In..... and out. In.. and out." My breathing soon returned to normal and Liam and I talked about what had happened with Ed and myself. After we talked for about and hour and a half, he told me the last part of my punishment before we went to bed.

"Look I don't want you to touch your bum at all for the rest of the day and tomorrow.  Yes, that means rubbing and also you can't get any lotion until tomorrow night. Is that clear."

"Yes sir." With that he tucked me into bed and turned off my light. It was agony not to be able touch my bum that was on fire. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off into a sleep.

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