Sisterly Love??

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Calum's POV

"No, Calum! I don't care what she has to say. She is mean and barbaric!" Kay isn't very excited about seeing her sister to say the least. I can't really blame her to be honest. I've heard a handful of stories of how Emily was to her.

"I know how you feel about your sister, but you heard Liam. You have to talk to her. Maybe it won't be has bad  has you think. She might even apologize. The only way that you will ever know is just to talk to her. For an hour. That is as long as I'm asking for you too." I say grabbing her hand to pull her onto my lap. She happily curled up into me. We seat there wrapped around each other for a few minutes in silence listening to each others heartbeats.

"Fine, one hour. However, I can't promise that I won't hit her." She mumbled, obviously annoyed at the situation. I kissed the top of her head and pulled her in for a tight hug.

"Thank you. Just know it's your ass if you hit her." I felt a light smack onto my stomach in response.

"You are one to talk. You going to tell what happened Friday?" She ask looking up at me with curiosity in-stitched on her face. I smiled to myself. Her face is my favorite thing to see in the world.

"I can't. Lads all agreed that it stays in that room. I think we finally sorted out our differences though. So there is that."

"It only took a year and a half." She said half sarcastic.

"Yeah, but better that then ne-" I was cut off as I heard a car start to pull down the driveway. I felt Kayanna let out a deep sigh and start to get up.

"It will be okay. You want me to go put of the kettle for you?" I asked her softly. I got a nod as she continued to slowly get up. I could see Liam and Zayn walking by out of the corner of my eye.

"Calum, go put the kettle on and get some snacks or something." Liam said backing up to look at us.

"Could have just told me you don't want me in here." I unintentionally sassed back.

"Excuse me?" He said with that warning eyebrow.

"I'm going. What are we supposed to do if we can't go into the game room though?"

"There is this magical thing called a book. Read one. In other words not my problem.  Now get to it."

"Love ya too, Liam," I said before giving Kay a kiss on her cheek, "Good luck Kay. Don't hit her. Please. Or at least let me be here to witness it."

"You better not hit her. I don't care if she deserves it. I don't want to deal with it." And with that there was a knock on the door. I ran off to start the kettle and some biscuits.

Kayanna's POV

Liam stood there for a moment staring at me, almost begging me not to fight with her. I gave him my best, ' I will try not to knock the shit out of her' look. Zayn came over with Thalia, Freddie, and Emily. She looks so different. She has more tattoos since the last time I saw her. Come to think of it I don't know the last time that I did see her. I noticed that Harry and Louis came to take Freddie and my mother turned to me.

"Kayanna, love, how have you been?" She asked with open arms while walking towards me.

"I've been okay. Yourself?" I asked as she pulled me into a tight hug. My mother may not look like much to most but, she is so much more than that to me.

"That's great! You and Calum should let me take the two of you out to eat again soon! I've missed the both of you." I gave her a small smile in return and glanced over to my sister who looked very awkward at the moment.

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