Harry and Niall's Punishment

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Zayn's POV

I walked out of Vincent's office to find Harry, Naill, and Louis waiting just outside the house for me. Harry was crying into Louis's neck begging him to not punish him while, Niall was trying his hardest not to cry. Once I made was next to him I grabbed his arm pulling him along with me.

"I can't believe you two. Do you know how stupid of a move this was of you? Just wait until we get home." I whisper-yelled at them. Louis had Harry by the arm trying to pull him along with him.

"Harry stop struggling you are only going to make it worse for yourself. Boys get in front of Zayn and I. We have somethings that we need to talk about." Louis told the boys pulling Harry in front of him while I did the same with Niall. They clinged onto each other as they walked.

"Lou, I'm worried about Liam. I don't feel right about leaving him with that monster of a man. Who knows what he is going to do?! I should go back and make sure that he isn't hurt." I said ready to run.

"You can't. Liam has to do this on his own. He would kill us if we went back." He said stopping me by grabbing my arm.

"I can't just let him be by himself. What if-"

"Look if he isn't back by 8 tonight we will call and talk to Vincent. If that doesn't work we will come back, okay? But, right now we have to go home and deal with the two that go us in this mess." He said cutting me off.

"It's not all their fault. Liam should have stopped them, but what's done is done. What are we doing to about those two?" I asked him. I looked up to see Harry and Niall were far ahead of us. Louis and I jogged to to catch up to them.

"Well, they definitely deserve the strap but, they deserve more than that. I can't believe that they would do something so reckless and stupid. I would expect something like this from Luke or Ashton maybe even Calum. But they know better than this." I said baffled that they would pull something so stupid.

"Some with the switch after the paddle to really make the lesson sink in?"

"Yeah, how about some with the strap then 20 with the switch."

"Sounds good." Louis said. I looked up to see the house was in sight by now. I looked over to see Louis wasn't there anymore. I looked back to see him getting a switch of a near by tree.

"Boys get inside and go stand in a corner." I tell them to hear them groan in protest.

"Is there something that you would like to say boys?" Lou asked as he rejoined me.

"We aren't pups. We don't need to stand in the corner like we are!" Harry complained.

"Well if you are going to like pups and do stupid things then you are going to be treated like pups. Now get inside and put your asses in a corner!" I yelled at him.

"Strict Zayn is back." I heard Niall mumble to Harry. He better be lucky that I'm to worried about my Li-Li to say something to him. God, I hope that Liam is okay! I would kill Vincent if he hurt him. We all enter the house and the boys run to find a corner.

"Okay, Harry you first. Now, answer a question. Who's idea is was it to do into Vincent's territory?" Louis asked.

"It was mine. Niall had nothing to do with it. He just kinda went along with it. It was my idea, Lou." He said hanging his head.

"Okay then. Bed over the couch, bare. Zayn can you hold his hands so he doesn't reach back?" I nodded my head and went to hold Harry's hands.

"Harold, I can't believe that you would put yourself and Niall in danger like that. Not only did you put yourselves in danger, but you put the pack in danger. Now, Liam has to deal with the consequences of your actions. I can't believe that wouldn't think this through. You are going to the strap then 20 with the switch so that this lesson sticks. Okay. I'm going to start now love." Louis said.

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