Everything Will Workout

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Niall's POV

I tried to quietly shut the front door after Calum followed me into the house. We were both over at the guest house with Ava and Kay. It's about 1 o'clock in the morning.

"Calum keep it down. I don't want to wake anyone up." I whisper harshly at him. I really don't feel like getting a lecture about how we should have been home earlier.  I don't know about Calum,  but I was supposed to be home at like 10.

"I'm not the one making noise."

"Don't play."

"Niall, I'm not. I'm seriously not making any noise."

"Are you two sneaking in?" We turn around and see Harry eating a banana.

"Why are you up?"

"More importantly why are you eating a banana at 1 in the morning?" Calum asked.

"Really? That's what you think is more important?" Harry asked.

"But, to answer your question Ni, I have some things on my mind." We heard somebody upstairs moving around.

"Shit." I heard Calum whisper behind me.

"Calum, go hide in the bathroom and when you hear them get downstairs go upstairs." I told him. He gave me a great full look before making his way to the bathroom.

"Why would you do that?" Hazza asked me.

"He doesn't need to get in trouble. Are you still upset about the Twitter thing?"

"That and some other things."

"I thought you and Louis talked about that already."

"It hurts though, Ni. Nobody knows about you and Ava. Doesn't that hurt that you can't be honest about who you love?"

"Of course it does. But, you know that the fans know the truth. You know the truth.  Everybody in this house knows the truth.  That's what should matter."

"He's right." I hear from behind us. I look to see Zayn with his back against the wall.

"It doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt still." Harry said back with a shakey breath. Zayn sighed and went to pull him in a hug. Harry just moved away from him.

"Hazza, you down here?" We heard Louis from the stairs.

"Yeah." He called back. Louis made made his way over to him and went to go hug him, but he just moved away.

"Niall, I believe you and I have something to talk about. Get yourself up to the game room, now." I nodded my head and started making my way over to the stairs.

"Louis, did you see if everyone else was in bed?" Zayn asked.

"What? Oh, yeah. Everybody is in bed." He said not taking his eyes off Harry.  I mentally thanked Calum for being sneaky enough to get up the stairs.

"Let's go Ni." Zayn said grabbing my arm gently and pulling me up the stairs. We made our way to the game room and he shut the door.

"So, you wanna explain why you are three hours late?" He asked.  I kinda just shook my head and looked at the floor. He sighed and just shook his head.

"Honestly,  I'm not mad. I'm a little annoyed that it's 1 o'clock in the morning and that you won't tell me why you're late. The person that would be mad is down the hallway. So, you will you please tell me cause if you don't you get to wake him up, then tell him."

"I lost track of time?" I said with it coming out more like a question than a statement. He clenched his jaw.

"Niall, go wake Liam up."

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'll be honest."

"This is your last chance."

"I took Ava out to dinner. Don't worry it was a little unknown spot. Then we went back to the guest house and watched a movie with Kay."


"Okay?" I asked confused.

"Okay. You told the truth. You are going to get punish for being late, but that's it. So, pull down your trousers and get over my lap.

I sighed, but did as he said. I hoped I wouldn't get a big punishment since I told the truth. And since Zayn is really tired. I got over his lap. He pulled down my underwear and started.


"Are you going to sneak out again?"

"Not for a while." SMACK

"Don't be a smartass." SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK


"Please. I'm sorry."

"A few more. Then I want you to go to bed. Understand?"

"Yes sir."


He pulled up my boxers and pulled me into his lap. I cried into his shoulder. I wasn't crying a lot. But, enough to want to cuddle with someone.

"You want me to carry you to your bed." I nodded my head and he picked me up. Carrying me to my bed and tucked me in. I drifted off into sleep.

*With Harry and Louis*

Louis's POV

When I went to give Harry a hug he moved away from me. Tears came to my eyes and my breath caught in my throat as I tried to hold back a sob. Zayn and Niall went upstairs.

"Hazza, what's wrong?"

"Twitter. Did you really say those things?" I sighed.

"Harry, we already talked about this."

"No, we didn't.  All I did was ask you if you wrote them and you told me no." I had tears falling from my face on to the floor.

"Harry do you think if I was straight that I would be here with you right now? I love you. Nothing will change my mind.  I can't even believe that you are questioning me Harry." I broke down and sobbed. Harry put his arms around me.

"I'm sorry." He told me.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I should have taken them down. I just didn't want them to step in again." I cried into his shoulder. He picked me up and carried me to bed. We laid there crying and and holding onto each other. I will be so happy for the day that we can be free.

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