Micheal's Rough Day

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Micheal's POV

I woke up late this morning. About an hour late. Shit! We were supposed to be up already. Liam is going to be so pissed. I jumped out of bed and ran to get ready. I quickly brush my teeth, hair, then throw on some clothes. After I ran downstairs Zayn pulled me over the counter and gave me a small spanking.


He pulled me up and just kinda pushed me away after. That hurt more the spanking. I know that I was going to be in trouble but, I don't think that it was necessary to spank me then push me away.

"Zayn?" I asked sounding more hurt than I wanted to.

"Go do your choirs." His voice was cold. Almost like he didn't care about me. I went to go do my choirs they took about 3 hours to do. I still was wondering why Zayn was so cold to me this morning. I don't want to go talk to him so I decided that Lou was the best option.

I made my way to Lou's room to talk to him.

"Hey Lou?"

"Yeah?" He had his back to me and didn't know who it was.

"Why is Zayn being so cold to me? Did I do something wrong?" He turned around and looked at me at first he was confused then his expression changed into anger.

"You really don't remember do you?"

"Remember what?"

"Think back on last night."


I stumble in the front door about 3 in the morning. I had went to this sick ass party and well I might be wasted. When I shut the front door I turn around to be greeted not with open arms angry faces. There in front of me stood Louis, Zayn, and a extremely angry alpha Liam.

"Where have you been?! I told you that you couldn't go anywhere! Did I not?" Liam started. He looked like a tomato when he is mad.

"What is your problem? I'm home aren't I? Everything is good."

"Are you drunk?" Louis asked me.

"Haha, are you gay?" He just walked away with tears in his eyes. I know that he doesn't like to talk about all that. Nobody really knows if he is or not. I guess we never will.

"There was no reason for that Micheal." Zayn stated angrily at me. I laughed at him.

"Aren't you going to chase after your boyfriend? Does Perrie know about it? Or is she just a cover story?" Zayn walked up to me a smacked my bum a good 5 times.

"Zayn calm down. We will talk to him in the morning. Micheal drink this and get your ass into bed unless you want a proper spanking right now." He told me as he hand me something that was going to help me not have a hangover in the morning.

I walked upstairs and as I walked past Louis room I could hear him crying softly. I don't care though. After that I just went to bed.

End Of Flashback

I look over at Lou and the look of what I thought was anger was really hurt.

"OH MY GOD!!! Lou I'm so sorry. How can I make it up to you?"

"What do you mean Zyan was being cold?"

"When I came downstairs this morning he just pulled me over the counter and gave me a small spanking."

"Oh, that was what him, Liam, and myself talked about last night. Liam said that Zayn and I will give you spanking then he will deal with you tonight."

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