You Should Listen To Him

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Okay so this was a prompt that I got on the last chapter that I really enjoyed so, I'm going to try and write it. I really hope this is what you wanted. Oh, and I start school back tomorrow and it's the first time since 0ctober 6. Help!


Luke's POV

I was going on a run for the first time by myself. It's the first time that I have gone on a run by myself... well by myself with permission. I was running when I noticed a funny scent. I looked around and I noticed that I am no where near going over the line. I was only a few miles from the house. Shaking it off as the winding blowing the scent this direction I continued on my run. The next thing I know two bigger guys jump out in front of me.

"Well, well, well, what is this? A little puppy all by himself. Look at him. He is so tiny." The one with dirty blonde hair said towards the dark brown hair.

"I know look at him. So, weak. Probably nothing more than a omega." The dark haired one said.

"Who are you?" I asked scared. I was trying to put in a front, but I know and they know that it's not working.

"Oh my did I forget my manners? I'm Thomas and this is Dylan." The blonde-ish one said.

"Why are you in this territory?"

"Well, you see. Our Alpha told us about this small pack that aren't really able to defined themselves. See we were told that its alpha was this big push over. We didn't believe him and had to see for ourselves. Instead of just looking around we came across you. Someone that doesn't have a chance of anything in life or well anything else." Dylan taunted me. They both started to circle around me and I started to get really scared realizing what was about to happen.

"You need to go back to your territory. We all can just forget that we saw each other." I said trying to talk my way out of this.

"I don't like that idea. Do you Tommy?" Dylan asked his partner.

"Not at all. I even think that we need to make sure that this tiny runt doesn't talk to anyone about seeing us." With that said I was grabbed by the back of my neck and thrown into a tree. I groaned in pain as I tried to get of the ground.

"Now, where do you think you are going, puppy?" Thomas asked as he put his foot on my back keeping me pinned down. I tried my hardest to get up, but he just kicked me in my side causing me to whimper. They both laughed at me.

"See, Tommy like I said 'weak'. He probably doesn't even know how to fight back. Come on lets give him a chance. You can't take all of the fight out of him." He said while picking me up and punching me in the stomach before backing away and holding his arms out.

"Take your best shot." He told me. I took the chance and hit him in the face and tried to run away after that. I got a few steps before Thomas tackled me to the ground. I turned around to try to push him of me, but he only hit me in the face leaving me with a bloody nose and bruised cheek for sure.

"You stupid little runt." Dylan said pulling me of the ground pinning me to a tree with hi hand around my neck.

"I don't think he knows how easy it would be to kill him. Just a little pressure and snap." He laughed in my face.

"Dyl, lets finish this up and get back." Thomas said out of know where.

"You're right." I was thrown over to Thomas who pushed me onto the ground and started kicking me ever where that he could. Dylan rushed over to him to start helping. I started to whimper and groan in pain. As it started getting worse I started to cry and cry out in pain.

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