Part 1.

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[General POV.]
   Naruto panted as the blood came out from his mouth. ‘Uzumaki Naruto.’ A blonde with a muscular body and 3 whiskers on each cheek along with a tall figure. A teenager who is one of the leaders of a gang. 
Naruto: “Dammit. They cheated.” He talked bitterly.
Sasuke: “I swear to kill them.” 
          Naruto looked at his friend. ‘Uchiha Sasuke.’ He is rich like hell, popular, handsome, wise, and everything that men wish to be. Naruto doesn’t get why Sasuke joined the Gang but he didn’t complain. He was a good friend and he is strong. Not to mention Sasuke has the same place as him. One of the leaders. Tonight, they went into a fight with other gangs and they tricked. They challenged us 1 by 1 but they had over 15 men by their side. Wanting to kill us, well that’s what gangsters are. Dangerous yet thrilling for us. Even though we both were strong, they had the number advantage. We got beaten up badly and Sasuke got most of the hit. 
Naruto: “I am hungry as hell bro.” 
He sat down and looked at Sasuke. Blood was on his shirt. He pulled out the cigarette. He put it between his upper lips and lower lips and lit it up in an instant. He inhaled the scent of it. A nice feeling came to him.
Sasuke: “Me too.” He scoffed. He also so took a cigarette and drank.
Naruto: “Let’s go to my house first, take a shower and come back to eat. There is a coffee shop nearby.” 
Sasuke didn’t make a sound because he was too tired and his body aches. Naruto holds Sasuke up and they walked toward Naruto’s house.
[Time skips.]
Sasuke: “I am done.” He walked out of the bathroom. He wore a simple V-neck shirt along with black jeans. He bandaged his injuries and applied some ointment. He was so hungry.
Naruto: “Man, I can’t even wash the blood off.” He had some grey boxers and a dark green jacket. A pair of blue trousers reached his feet.
Sasuke: “Lead the way”. Naruto was confused for a second before he shouts.
Naruto: “LET’S GO. I AM SO HUNGRY.” He shouted like a child making Sasuke think like ‘Is he even a part of Gang?’ He put on his sneakers and locked the room door. 
   The two young men were walking along the quiet streets which will freak normal people out but they are Sasuke and Naruto. They won’t even be afraid of the world ending. A figure of a coffee shop came into Sasuke’s view.
Naruto: “I should have brought the car.” He whined. 
Sasuke: “Idiot.” 
Sasuke never talks much. He is a silent guy with an emotionless face. They both entered the shop. Sasuke looked at his newly bought watch. It’s already 8:30. The smell of baked cake and coffee was so refreshing. 
Waiter: “We are closing soon. Would you like to take over?” A girl with glasses asked with a cheesy tone leaning toward Sasuke. Sasuke paid no attention to her. 
Naruto: “Is Hinata still here?” That girl waiter seems disappointed. 
Waiter: “Yes, can you tell me your relationship with her?” She asked curiously.
Sasuke: “Who is Hinata?” He asked Naruto raising an eyebrow.
Naruto: “A classmate of mine.” He answered cheerfully.
Sasuke: “I don’t know her?” Sasuke scoffed.
Naruto: “You don’t come to school Teme.” He warped his arms around Sasuke’s shoulder.
Sasuke: “Yah, right. Now get off from me.” He pushed Naruto off.
Hinata: “So Naruto-san, is there anything you need from me?” Sasuke looked up at the girl. 
   Her long Indigo Hair, her beautiful lavender orbs lined up with long lashes, her rosy cheeks, and her pale lips. I stared at her for a moment. I could feel my heart racing. ‘Damn.’ I told myself. She glanced at me. She is going to be one of my fangirls, I told myself. Surprisingly, her gaze turned back to my friend.
Naruto: “Well, you see. I would love to have ramen. 
This creepy guy over here doesn’t like sweets.” He smiled toward her and she didn’t squeal like other fangirls used to do.
Hinata: “This is a coffee shop naruto-san.”
 Her voice is cold which makes me surprised. Naruto is also famous for his look. Girls like chasing me and Naruto no matter how bad we are.
Waiter: “Hinata, I will take the order. Now go to the kitchen.” She had a demanding voice.
Naruto: “Why? Isn’t she a waiter also?” The girl called Hinata went inside. ‘He is so dense.’ I sighed.
Waiter: “Oh my god. Isn’t this Uchiha Sasuke? The second son of the Uchiha cooperation?” She shouted. I sighed again.
Sasuke: “here they come again.” After that annoying waiter shouted, all of the girls are now in front of me and Naruto.
Girl 1: “Sasuke-kun please go out with me.”
Girl 2: “Uchiha-san, you are so handsome.”
Girl 3: “Naruto-kun, can I get your signs?” All I hear is the girls calling out me and naruto names. 
Sasuke: “Oi, you are annoying me. Get the fuck off.” I got pissed off and slam the desk in front of me.
Girl 4: “Kyaaa. Sasuke-kun is so hot when he is angry.”
Sasuke: “Seriously?” I whispered to Naruto and he shrugged his shoulders. 
Naruto: “I just want to eat peacefully.” I sighed and I heard a voice.
   “This shop is closing soon. If you don’t leave you will have to pay over $1000 for making a scene.”
I looked at where the voice came from. It was Hinata. All the girls went out and started walking away.
Naruto; “Thanks Hinata.” He gave his stupid smile which girls say that smile melts their hearts blah blah. 
Hinata: “Here’s your order.” 
She put the ramen on the desk. She turned at me. “I don’t know what you like but I put no sugar in your coffee and 2 pieces of sugarless pancake.” She went back into the kitchen.
   We paid for the meal and we left. On the way back to Naruto's house, Sasuke wasn’t paying attention to the surrounding at all. His mind wandered to the indigo hair girl, her beautiful eyes. 

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