Part 5

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I was dizzy because of the coward and fangirls. They surrounded me and yell my name. Good now, I am annoyed. I gave a death glare to the girls beside me like I am going to kill them and they ran away. I sighed. At that time, a familiar scent greeted me. Lavender scent. I looked around to find a certain person. The indigo hair passed through my face along with her sweet scent. I quickly followed her and grabbed her wrist. She looked back at me with a confused face. I turned my face a little.
Sasuke: “I am lost…” her lips parted a little and I heard a giggle from her. My eyes widened seeing her. She used to be so cold and have the same emotionless face as me but now she is laughing like a kid. She looks ‘Innocent and Cute’. I turned my head away again to hide my embarrassed face. The Sasuke Uchiha who has won so many fights are now lost in a school and getting laughed at by a girl.
Sasuke: “S-stop laughing already.” 
It was so awkward for me. She laughed till tears came down her face. She wiped them slowly and tried to catch her breath,
Hinata: “I didn’t mean to laugh like that Uchiha-san.” 
I froze at her gentle voice, it’s not like her at all. Her voice was cold when we talked in the morning. “I haven’t laughed like this for some time. Thanks.” She smiled at me. Her smile made my heart stop beating. Beautiful yet pure. I couldn’t speak. I was breathless. “Are you a new student here?” She turned her back and started walking away. I walked after her to catch up.
Sasuke: “Yes. Naruto left me.” My voice had a hint of annoyance. 
Hinata: “I see.” Her voice turned cold again. 
I couldn’t process what is happening. She is a cold person at first and looked like she has no emotions at all and she suddenly laughed and smiled and now she turned back into the cold person. 
Sasuke: “Where are you taking me?” I asked sternly. Who knows if she will do something to me. I mean she just changed within minutes. I wasn’t scared of her though. 
Hinata: “To the principal. You have to register.” 
She didn’t look back at me or steal glances or try to get close to me as other fangirls do and that made me relieved somehow. “Thank you for the tip this morning.” She stopped walking. 
Sasuke: “Hn?” I was confused at her sudden gratitude. 
Hinata: “I got to donate a lot.” 
She had an almost invisible smile but I caught it. The word “Donate” ran inside my head. Have I ever donated to poor people? I mean like I am rich and I can’t even spend them. I kept changing cars but I have never given things to other people. I looked at her again. She walks fast and her long hair is reaching her waist and shaking left and right whenever she takes a step. She is shorter than me. I kept following her and she got glares from girls. Some looks at me, some kept talking to me, following me and I got annoyed. My nightmares end when she stepped in front of a room. The girls ran back when we approached that room. Hinata knocked on the door thrice. 
Tsunade: “Come in.” She slowly opened the door saw I saw Naruto and Sakura.
Sakura: “Sasuke-kunnn.” 
She ran toward me and saw Hinata. She gave her a disgusted look. “What are you doing with someone like her Sasuke-kun?” Her voice is so cheesy that I could even vomit. 
Hinata: “My job here is done. See you Uchiha-san.” She started walking out of the room steadily.
Tsunade: “Hinata. You need to sign the scholarship papers.” 
The one with blond hair and two braids said while finding the paper. I saw Hinata sigh and turned back. She signed the paper quickly under the gaze of Sakura and left the room.
Sakura: “Sasuke-kun. You are attending school? Did you want to see me?” She is too close to me and she grabbed my arm. 
Sasuke: “No.” 
I pushed her away roughly and walked toward the principal. “Where’s my form?” She looked at me and went back to her paperwork again.
Naruto: “Sasuke, how did you get here?” He chuckled awkwardly. I glared at him.
Sasuke: “If you are mentioning how you left me alone and got surrounded by fucking annoying girls.” 
He looked pale by seeing Sakura's angry face. I smirked. ‘That’s what you get for leaving me Dobe.’ “I found Hinata and she leads me here.” I ended my sentence. 
Naruto: “Since when did you know her?” He already received a punch from Sakura.
Sasuke: “Hn.” 
I left the room without answering his question and closed the door to hear Sakura yelling at Naruto. I smirked and decided to roam around the school. I was on the 3rd floor and the school had 5 lairs. I decided to go up because I have already seen the under floors. 
   On the fourth floor, there was a library and art room. Along with piano and cooking clubs. So many people are wandering on this floor which makes me feel suffocating so I decided to go up. This 5th lair was empty like it’s hunted. There are classrooms but they are closed. This place is creepy and some of the window glass is broken. He wasn’t afraid of ghosts or hunted places. He shrugged his shoulders and decided to go to the rooftop. His feet stopped when he heard something.
Bully 1: “So the creepy eyes emo girl here again? Your eyes are disgusting you know.” I heard a girl shout. I didn’t pay attention because it wasn’t my problem. I am cold, heartless, and ruthless. I agree. I walked to the stairs and stopped when I heard a familiar voice. 
Hinata: “Give me my hoodie back.” I froze at the voice. 
Sasuke: “Hinata...” I rushed toward the voice. I just feel like I should protect her. It’s from the last room on the floor. 

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