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Hello. I just want to let my readers know that another story called my moonlight is now published. Also I am sorry for forgetting to inform you guys so here it is.



She told him once...

Rather than the sun that shines in day time...

She wanted to to be moon...

She wanted to give light to people...

Who are lost in the middle of the night...

She wanted to guide them home and give them hope...

Listens to those who cries...Let them know that the moon is listening to them...

She became the moonlight for him..

His moonlight that kept him sane...

Naruto put him in the right path...

but she was the reason that kept him going...

She didn't think of him as a monster...

She understood him...

She accepted him the way he was...

That made him goes crazy...

How pure she was...

"I don't think you are a monster... 

You are just hurt... 

Blinded by the love you had for your family...

 So don't think that you are a monster...

 you are a human who made mistakes.. "


"Forgive yourself... don't hold into bitterness and resentment... When you hold onto anger about the past, you only hurt yourself. Forgiveness doesn't mean that what he did to you is right or you deserve it. It means you no longer punish yourself with sadness and frustration for what he did. It means you accept the past for what it is, that the past can't be changed anymore. Forgive and let go."


Sasuke: "I.. I can't... I don't deserve to be happy... I have so much blood on my hands... I.. I don't know anymore.."

"That's not true... You saved my life once, you saved my father's life once.. you saved an innocent dog's life.. It's not just blood you have in your hands... You saved people's lives also. If you think it is not enough.. then let's save some more together.. "


He found happiness with her...

Watching every sunrise and sunset by her side....

He felt alive again...

Helping people and saving others... spreading out kindness...

He felt a whole...

She picked up those shattered pieces.. placing them back to where they belonged...

Sasuke fell in love...

[Story description]


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