Part 26

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Hinata: “You are bleeding, let’s treat your wound.” Hinata quickly took a clean towel and wiped away the blood. Before Sasuke could protest, Hinata was already gone to find a bandage. She came back with a roll of bandage in her hands and wrapped it around Sasuke’s knuckles after applying the ointment gently. The raven just looked at her while gritting his teeth. 
Sasuke: “Why?” Hinata looked at Sasuke and couldn’t see his eyes as he hid them behind his bangs, all she knew was he was gritting his teeth trying to hold something back.

Sasuke: “Why are you so selfless like this even when the world is cruel to you?”

……Hinata didn’t answer but continued wrapping the bandage making Sasuke burn with anger again.
Sasuke: “Aren’t you tired? Aren’t you tired of everything?”
……Sasuke whispered but Hinata ignored him. The words may be harsh but Sasuke just wanted her to vent her problems out and let her know that Sasuke was willing to listen to her. He knew it feels sad not to have anyone to lean on. The raven knew how does it feel like to be alone. Since Sasuke left his house, he felt a hole inside his heart, he missed his mother’s sweet smile, he missed his brother’s joke, he even missed his father’s coffee scent. Sasuke couldn’t even imagine how hard it is for Hinata to work while studying and lose her mother at such young age. He started to realize why her eyes look broken and blank after hearing what happened to her. 
Hinata: “I am tired.” After putting the glove on Sasuke’s hand back, Hinata kept her head down.
Hinata: “But what am I supposed to do?” The raven silently listened to the girl’s shaking voice. Even though he was glad that she started to open up to him, he still feels sad for her.
Hinata: “Should I just give up on life and suicide easily?”
Sasuke: “……”
Hinata: “Will crying help me to live? To survive?” Sasuke felt pain from his injury where Hinata gripped it tightly but he shrugged it off as he knew the pain that the girl was experiencing is much better than his hand.
Hinata: “The answer is no. Then why am I crying if it is not helping at all? I would rather try hard and achieve my dreams and live than give up because…” 
……Sasuke felt shivers down his spine when Hinata looked into his obsidian eyes directly. He felt like he was poured by a bucket of cold water, his blood stopped flowing, his brain was paralyzed when he saw her lavender eyes filled with determination, strength, and hope

……What frightened him most was the fire in her eyes, those eyes looked fiery. He smirked when he returned to his senses. ‘Looks like, I underestimated someone.’ Sasuke found out that Hinata wasn’t desperate as he thought after all. ‘Who am I to judge her when I don’t know her at all?’ The raven thought she would be in pain after what she suffered but he forgot that she is strong. 
Hinata: “I am going to make my mother proud.” She was sincere and confident, her eyes showed it all. This time, Sasuke didn’t see the past of her but instead, he saw a strong girl standing on her own feet, the girl she has become right now. 
Sasuke: “I bet she is proud right now.” Sasuke gave her a thin smile while Hinata closed her eyes letting the tear fall down to her cheeks. Her heartbeats became wild when she felt Sasuke’s thumbs on her face and wiped her tears gently.
Hinata: “But I think you really should take a rest, falling asleep in class is not good.” She diverted the conversation to calm her heart down. She said with a giggle releasing the grip of Sasuke’s hand. 
Sasuke: “Why?”
……Sasuke raised an eyebrow as he didn’t understand what was she mentioning. He saw her turning back and walking toward the cashier while she searched for something from her bag. She took out her phone and her fingers swiped the screen gently. Cat got Sasuke’s tongue as he saw what was displayed on the phone’s screen. He couldn’t believe what he saw. It was a picture of him sleeping with his head hidden between his arms. 
Sasuke: “Thanks to the god that I didn’t show my face.” Sasuke's terrified face made Hinata burst out into laughter. 
Hinata: “Get some rest.” Hinata wiped her tears after she has finished laughing while Sasuke rubbed his face roughly. 
 Sasuke: “Still, I am walking you home.” He gave the phone back to Hinata and went back to eating leaving a standing Hinata who is smiling faintly. She couldn’t help but be happy at the man’s kindness. Sasuke growled softly as something soft hit his face out of blue. He picked up the thing and noticed it was a light purple colored pillow which was a small one. He looked at the person who threw it none other than the girl. 
Hinata: “Have a nice rest.” She mumbled and shifted her focus on the book she was reading minutes ago. Without complaining, Sasuke put the pillow on his lap firstly to finish his meal. After throwing the empty cup and plastics, he put the pillow under his face and closed his eyes as the lavender scent reached into his nose. Hinata stared at the young man who was half asleep on the table. 
“Uzumaki-san” “Naruto-senpai” 
……A group of girls ran toward the car park where a handsome blonde got out of his car. As he noticed the girls, he gave his usual grin making some of them faint. His attention shifted to the black Mercedes which entered the school compound. His grin widened as he knew who was the driver. He energetically walked toward where the car was parked and greeted his best friend.
Naruto: “Hey Morning Teme, how was Hinata’s teaching?” Sasuke rolled his eyes as he saw Naruto. The Uzumaki didn’t mind it as he knew his friend’s personality. Deep down, Naruto knew that Sasuke really cared for him and remark him as his brother. 
Sasuke: “Not bad.” He answered bluntly as he entered the school building where the girls' attention was fixed on them. Sasuke sighed as the annoying fangirls approached him. Without a signal, Sasuke and naruto ran at full speed to avoid the crazy girls. 
……Sasuke felt something against his chest as he accidentally bumped into someone. Sasuke checked the surroundings and was relieved that they lost those girls and noticed they were at the locker room. The books were scattered on the floor and Sasuke cursed himself for running without looking. His tongue was ready to shout rude words at the person before he noticed a small figure in front of him.
Naruto: “Hinata?” The girl finally looked up to the two men with her usual cold face. 
Hinata: “Uzumaki-san, Uchiha-san.” She called out the name with a distant tone and grabbed her books one by one again. Sasuke squatted down and helped Hinata to pick up her things receiving a teasing smile from Naruto. The grin disappeared as a glare was sent into his direction. Naruto knew that it was not a good thing to piss off his friend early in the morning. 
Naruto: “Aren’t you using your locker Hinata? Why are you carrying a lot of books?” The girl remained silent and Sasuke knew something was off. 
 Hinata: “I’m sorry but I have to go.” The girl walked past the two men with her head down while Naruto looked at her with confused eyes. Sasuke stared at her back with a flat face and decided to check her locker. His blood boiled again at what he saw and Naruto was also shocked. There were drawing on Hinata’s locker with some dirty words like ‘Slut’ ‘Whore’ were printed on the locker. Sasuke knew who was the culprit as he caught a glimpse of pink hair walking always from Hinata’s locker. 
……The door was wide opened with a loud bang making people look at the person who did it. People thought ‘Uh oh’ as they saw a furious Sasuke standing in the doorway with a dark aura around him. Those deadly eyes looked at Sakura sharply making her scared.

Sasuke: “Haruno!!” Sasuke growled with rage.


 Touch his girl and you will be in a big trouble Sakura. (Author sticking her tongue out at Pink Hair) 😝


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