Part 32

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......Her indigo hair is scattered on the bedsheet, the bangs covering her forehead, her neatly arranged eyebrows above the long lashes attached to her eyelids, her round bottom nose, her chubby cheeks look appealing for Sasuke. His eyes stared longer at her red lips that look tempting. He leaned toward the sleeping angle as he can no longer resist. His lips kissed the forehead of her gently.

Sasuke: "Have a sweet dream Hinata..."




[Hinata's POV.]

......It's been 2 days that I attended the school again and I could feel glares from the girls like they are going to kill me for being friendly with their idol and I'm grateful that Sasuke is always there to protect me. He has never left me alone since I got trapped in the warehouse. He always accompanies me when I work at 4 a.m. even though he is sleepy and tired in some days. After that, he would walk me home and went back to his house to prepare for school. After I have taken the shower and had my breakfast, at 8:30 I would always see his car parked in front of my garden and we would go to school together. At first, I declined his offer because people might misunderstand but he said I would be safer with him which is the truth so I had to accept.

......In the afternoon, we would rush to the library together and read books in peace. Because of his arrival, the girls started to come to the library often to see their idol's handsome face. After the lunch break, he would wait for me in front of the toilet and I do the same. After that, he would drop me off at my house and if he has basketball practice, he asks me to watch his play or wait for him until he has finished practicing. Sasuke and I always take a bite after school and I would split the bill even though Sasuke disagreed. We always go to the orphanage and spend time with the kids but on Friday and Sunday, Sasuke takes me out for dinner and we study together. He sometimes visits my house and we would discuss the books we have read. Ino also comes to us sometimes with snacks and drinks while Sasuke often scoffs and frowns as Ino doesn't stop talking. These days, I feel my life has brightened a bit as Sasuke came into my life.

......My eyes landed on the calendar and my heart beats faster as I saw the date. Tomorrow is December 3rd. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear Sasuke calling me.

Sasuke: "Hinata!! Are you okay? You look pale" I flinched as his worried voice flowed into my ears. I facepalmed myself for not paying attention.

Hinata: "I'm sorry, I was just thinking. I'm fine Uchiha-san." I forced a smile but my head was indeed dizzy. Sasuke looked at me with suspicious eyes before pouring coffee into his cup. Today is Friday and he was currently waiting for me to get ready to go out and study together.

Sasuke: "Do you want to share me?" I kept my head down as I felt pain in my heart making Sasuke worried. Tears well up in my eyes as frightening memories replayed inside my brain. My breath hitched and I felt suffocated while my vision became blurry. My knees started shaking and I fell on the floor squeezing my eyes shut to drive those memories away. The picture of my beloved mother lying lifelessly with a knife in her neck.

Hinata: "It's been 6 years that I have lost her." Unable to hide the pain I'm suffering, I just let it all out again. In front of him... I'm being weak again... I heard him walking toward me. His arms wrapping around my small body, his chin above my head, bringing me into his embrace. I grabbed his shirt tightly as I felt my heartache, biting my lips hard enough that blood came out so I might be able to reduce the pain I'm feeling in my heart. My eyes locked with his beautiful onyx eyes as he lifted my chin with his hand. My tears stopped flowing and the pain in my heart was substituted with excitement and overwhelmed when he wiped the blood coming out of my lips with his thumbs carefully. His sad eyes look into mine with gentleness.

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