Part 46

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Sorry for not updating yesterdaym From 13th April to 16th april, there is a festival called Thingyan where people play with water and its like a holiday. I was taking a rest so I didn't write the chapterm Enjoy!😁


Fugaku: “You messed with the wrong person Haruno. Your daughter and you made one of us hurt. That’s enough not to forgive you. Especially when you hurt my daughter.”
…Hinata felt like crying. For the third time, she felt loved and wanted. She lowered her head and tried to hide the tears of happiness that welled up in her eyes. Inside her heart, she felt a tingling feeling. t was just 6 words yet she was happy… very happy. Sasuke just blushed slightly as his father mentioned Hinata as his daughter. The only way for making Hinata his daughter is for Hinata to become Sasuke’s wife. ‘Father, you are going too fast, I haven’t even confessed to her yet.’ The raven thought. 
Hinata: “Thank you so much all of you. I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess.” She bowed deeply to show her gratitude and apology. Hinata was saying goodbye to them as they all had work to do and need to leave. Their job here is done after all. Mikoto just smiled. 
Mikoto: “Are you… the leader of Legendary Sapphire organization for real?” Mikoto spoke hesitantly. 
Hinata: “Yes.” Hinata nodded in response. 
Mikoto: “So your mother is Hana Hyuuga?” Fugaku was also surprised but showed no emotion on his face. 
Hinata: “Yes? May I ask how you know my mother?” Hinata was confused. She is sure that her mother doesn’t have any friends and almost no one knows her name anymore as she got married. Hinata flinched when Mikoto pulled her into a hug while crying.
Mikoto: “I’ve finally found you. I’m so sorry honey. If only I didn’t leave her that day, she would still be here with me.” Hinata just remained silent as she was too confused to say anything. 
Fugaku: “Mikoto was an old friend of Hana since middle school. Since your mother got engaged to Hiashi Hyuuga, she disappeared. Leaving no traces. After 7 years, we finally met her again. We exchanged numbers and started visiting again like in old times. Not too long after that, she divorced. Mikoto always visited her new house to keep her company and you were just a child back then. Also, she always told us to meet in café or other places and she wouldn’t let us see you. Mikoto remembered that Hana has a daughter and she kept searching for you when Hana passed away but we couldn’t find you.” He explained at length. 
Hinata: “I see. Thank you for being there for my mother. When she passed away, I had to fake my true identity for my safety and my father deleted all the information about me.” She was grateful. Grateful that they cared for her mother. Grateful that they cared enough to search for her. She was more grateful that they have found her. Giving one final hug, the Uchiha family left Sasuke and her. 
Sasuke: “You must be tired. Let’s go home shall we?” The raven broke the silence and gently wiped the remaining tears on her face with his thumb. 
Hinata: “Ino-san told us we would go out together.” Hinata remembered their plan and Sasuke tried to act like he forgot. 
Sasuke: “Doesn’t matter. You are tired and I will tell them to cancel it.” Hinata smiled genuinely. She loves it when Sasuke always considers her feelings and put her first. Grabbing his hands that cupped her cheeks with her palms, she closed her eyes. Savoring the warmth his hands radiated, she smiled thinly. 
Hinata: “Let’s go then.” The raven nodded and held her hand possessively before glaring at the students that were peeking at them. Today was tiring for Hinata but also she was delighted. At least one of her problems is solved. Pushing those thoughts aside, she focused on their linked hands. Sakura would no longer dare to disturb her. She’s happy but having Sasuke by her side? It’s the best blessing she could ever ask God.
[Let’s skip to tomorrow.]
……A young man with a newspaper in his hands was sitting in the living room patiently. He took a sip of the coffee Hinata made while waiting for her to finish dressing. The clock showed 8 a.m. and he was picking her up to go to school together. After the debate they had last night, Sasuke couldn’t help but give in and allow her to go to school even though she needs some rest. Hinata walked into the living room with a ribbon in her hands. Sasuke looked up to the sleepy figure in front of him who woke up. Her school uniform was slightly messy as she wasn’t fully awake. Sasuke let out a chuckle to see Hinata cutely rubbing her eyes. 
Hinata: “Can you help me put this on? I can’t get it straight. My eyes won’t open.” She whispered while giving the ribbon to the Uchiha. The raven just smiled and got up to help her tie her hair. He thought it would be a piece of cake but his thoughts were wrong. He couldn’t tie the ribbon without getting it twisted. He wondered how can girls do every day.

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