Part 24

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A man tried to grab her hands but she dodged it merely and the other man tried to trap her.
Sasuke: “Oi, get your fucking hands off her.” 
Who do you th…” The man's voice trailed off when he saw the figure in front of him. The man they feared the most. 
 “Uchiha-sama.” One man vowed with trembling knees while another one also bowed when he came back to senses.
Hinata: “Uchiha-san.” The girl looked at Sasuke’s flat face which held no emotion who is walking toward her.
Sasuke: “Did they touch you?” The three men sweatdropped when they heard Sasuke’s intimidating voice. 
Hinata: “No, I’m fine.” Sasuke stared at Hinata for a minute after he turned to those three men who is still bowing at the raven.
 Sasuke: “Wait for me in the car.” Without denying, the amethyst left the 4 people while Sasuke watched her back until she sat in the car to make sure she is safe. 
Sasuke: “If you touch a strand of her hair, I will make sure you bastards die horribly.” 
……Hinata looked at the man in front of him who is solving a math problem. She sighed as she remembered where she is right now. In an Uchiha’s private café. 
……Sasuke stopped the car engine as he reached his destination. The security guard immediately rushed to the raven as fast as possible.
“Uchiha-sama.” The man bowed politely not only at Sasuke but also at Hinata who is uncomfortable. 
Sasuke: “Hn.” 
……Without wasting a minute, Sasuke stepped into the café with Hinata while shoving his hands into his trousers. A waiter came and lead the two people into a private room. Hinata felt dizzy as soon as she stepped into the restaurant. The building was large and the structure design was fantastic. Not only outside but also inside were amazing, fancy tables with expensive seats, flower-scented candles on the dinner with well-decorated plates and bowls. Hinata was amazed by such things. In her lifetime, she has never been to this kind of place and she was dragged into this luxurious place by one and only Uchiha Sasuke. 
Hinata: “Isn’t this a little too much?” The lavender beads started at the man in front of him who is sitting comfortably. 
Sasuke: “Not really.” The young girl sighed as she knew it was pointless to protest about this with Sasuke. 
Hinata: “Let’s start.” Hinata put the necessary books and stationaries on the large table while Sasuke did the same.
Sasuke: “Here.” Sasuke wanted to chuckle at Hinata’s cute behavior who is looking at the thing he was holding blinking serval times. 
Hinata: “What’s that?” Her cold voice ruined Sasuke’s fun making him silent for a moment.
Sasuke: “When you teach me, dinner or lunch or breakfast will be on me.” Hinata looked at Sasuke in confusion while digesting the words she said.
Hinata: “Eh?” Her tone showed that she was surprised and confused at the same time. 
Sasuke: “Don’t tell me you thought I would let you teach me free?” Sasuke scoffed at Hinata’s innocence. “Gosh, she is so naïve.”
 Hinata: “It’s not needed Uchiha-san, the school insisted for my help.” She gave a thin smile and Sasuke caught it as he was watching her every single move. 
Sasuke: “Listen here Hyuuga, would you let another person teach you free even though he or she give you their time?” Sasuke smirked as he saw her silent. ‘Got you.’ Sasuke knew that Hinata is the kind of person who doesn't like to get help from someone for free. Sasuke bought her meals instead of giving her money on purpose. He knew that she would donate instead of using it for herself. 




If only Hinata knew that Sasuke did this for her, she would forgive him for lying right?




inata: “Fine. You really know how to make me speechless Uchiha-san.” She gave a glare toward Sasuke with a smile on her thin lips who thought it was cute and attractive. ‘Sasuke you really need to go to the hospital.’ The raven reminded himself as he thought a girl was ‘cute and attractive’
Sasuke: “I’m just telling the truth.” The raven shrugged his shoulders making Hinata sigh at Sasuke’s arrogant behavior. 
[End of Flashback.]
……Sasuke was a genius and he knew that he can get a perfect score even without practicing, therefore he thought it would be a bit boring to do study. His prediction was completely wrong as he got interested after solving some problems. It would be a lie if someone says Hinata is a bad teacher, Sasuke noticed that she is very good at explaining. 
……What is more shocking is that she can explain the problems the Uchiha can’t solve easily and briefly. Sasuke was amazed and admired her even more. She works while studying, taking care of the orphans, and quintessence of ideal mother, she also got a scholarship and she was beautiful for a woman. Except for the fact that she is weak, Hinata Hyuuga was the perfect woman for men. Suddenly, Sasuke remembered a pair of dangerous eyes.
[Flash’s back]
Sasuke: “I want to give them a better home. I just wanted to see their smiles.” I wasn’t lying. What I said was the truth. I felt more peaceful here rather than in the gang. 
Hinata: “I don’t have to right to interfere with this matter. If Konan-san allows, it’s okay but…”
……She stopped her sentence midway making me curious that I turned to face her. Her eyes lids slowly opened revealing her lavender orbs but… She looked at me with sharp eyes that made me feel like she is looking into my soul. It made me shiver. Even though she is cold normally, her eyes aren’t like this. These eyes… They are frightening, carrying so much hatred. It was enough to prove that she loves these kids like her own children by hearing her sentence and seeing her intimidating glare.
Hinata: “If you try to harm them, I won’t hesitate to hurt you.”
[End of Flashback.]
Hinata: “What about we go to science?” Her voice pulled Sasuke back to reality from his daydreaming. 
 Sasuke: “Hn.”
……Sasuke took a sip from his coffee while Hinata was busy preparing for the next subject. Sasuke was glad that Hinata wasn’t one of his fangirls who are whinny, clingy, trying to touch Sasuke if there is any chance, and annoying. Hinata was gentle, patient, kind, and sweet behind that mask. The Hyuuga explained step by step simply about the problems that he doesn’t understand. Sasuke first doubted that she used some kind of dirty methods to get a scholarship according to the fact that she is an orphanage but it turned out that she has the talent inside her. He felt bad for judging her by her appearance and that doubt was replaced by admiration in his brain. 
…After escorting Hinata back home, Sasuke Uchiha immediately called his assistant. In his mind, the image of a girl crying at the corner with bruises became a terrifying image. 
Kabuto: “What can I do for you Sasuke-sama?”
Sasuke: “Investigate about Hinata Hyuuga, find every single detail you can.” His voice with full of authority never failed to make Kabuto intimidated by it. 
Kabuto: “As your wish Sasuke-sama.” 
……After hanging up the call, the raven unbuttoned the first two buttons of his school uniform, revealing his collar bone. If one of the fangirls were here, they would definitely faint by seeing that tanned skin of him along with his messy appearance making him look sexy. Sasuke took his time soaking in the bathtub, relaxing his muscles and the candles around him healed his tired brain. His lips curved into a small smile by remembering that he had fun studying with Hinata. He was enjoying the peace until his phone rang. With a groan, Sasuke got out of the bathroom after dressing up and picked up the phone.
Kabuto: “I have sent to the file young master.”
Sasuke: Hn. You are dismissed. 
……In the middle of the night when the clock showed 2 o’clock, a young man was sitting on his study chair with a cup of cold coffee to keep him fresh and concentrated. His obsidian eyes focused on his phone screen which showed the information about Hinata Hyuuga.

To be honest, Sasuke didn’t know why he did these things just for a girl…

QueenUchihahyuha Yes Sauske is a simp😂


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