Part 41

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So listen, she would be more than glad to be with you even if it means putting her life in danger because Sasuke… Can’t you see it? You are important to her as much as she is important to you.”
…Sasuke fell silent as he heard the last sentence loud and clear. He just thought Hinata would be okay even if he isn’t near her but he forgot… She has no one but him. Mikoto smiled as she saw the color return to Sasuke’s pale skin which looked like a dead man, his empty eyes now filled with love and hope, a small smile flashed through his lips as he realized he found out the solution not only to make Hinata safe but also be with her.
Mikoto thought… “He loves her and she loves him… Many people know except them”
Sasuke: “Do you think… she will forgive me?” Sasuke was scared to get rejected even though he is the one who pushed her away. 
Mikoto: “Of course son. Hinata is understanding and maybe if you explain and tell the reason, she would forgive you.” The elder smiled as Sasuke nodded. She has given the advice to mend the two broken hearts and all she needs to do right now is to watch them bound again. 
Mikoto: “But first, you need to eat, or else Hinata will get scared by your fatigued face.” Mikoto slightly chuckled receiving an adorable pout from Sasuke. The raven slowly blew the spoon to cool down the hot soup and ate it. Mikoto just caressed his son’s spiky hair which Sasuke always loved. 
[End of Flashback]
…Sasuke bent down to the crying little girl and patted her head gently. 
Sasuke: “I’m sorry Akira. Nii-san had to do that to protect her but nii-san promised to make Hinata happy again and visit you guys soon okay?” Even though Akira doesn’t understand what does it mean by ‘Nii-san had to do that to protect Hinata’ but her eyes sparkled as Sasuke showed his pinky finger to seal his promise about making the Hyuuga happy. Akira nodded enthusiastically and join his pink finger making Sasuke smile feebly.
Sasuke: “Wait are you alone?” Sasuke's eyes widened as he thought of how Akira came.
Akira: “Akito nii-san is waiting outside.” 
Sasuke: “Next time, don’t come here okay? It’s dangerous. I will drive you back.” Sasuke picked Akira up gently while she hugged Sasuke’s neck to prevent her from falling. Sasuke felt suspicious as there were no guards outside and the place seems so quiet. Like the calmness before a storm. 
Akito: “Akiraaa!!” They both turned to the right as they heard a scream to see Akira tied up in ropes and a knife pointed under his chin. A clear liquid flowed down from Akira’s eyes as she saw her brother captured. Sasuke's eyes widened as Akira went out of his grip and ran to his brother. 
Sasuke: “Akira don’t go there.” The raven tried to hold the girl but it was too late as a pair of strong arms held her roughly and pushed her to the same cage Akito was in.
Keito: “Well you will be my victim.” The man around his 30 laughed evilly as he thought of the next step of his plan. 
Sasuke: “What do you want?” He was furious that he let his guard down and let Akira get captured too. 
Keito: “Where is Neji Hyuuga? Tell him that I want him dead.” Sasuke was confused. Why did he think that he can threaten Neji with those children? 
Neji: “What do you think you are doing?” A stern and deep voice echoed in the parking lot which was quiet. 
Keito: “Fucking bastard, stop acting like you are mighty and higher than us. Fuck you asshole. You kicked me so fucking hard and I had to lay in the fucking hospital bed for fucking 4 days.” Sasuke frowned as it was a childish reason to get revenge and he even tried to kill two innocent children for that? If only Akira and Akito weren’t in their hands, Sasuke was sure that they will already be dead.
Neji: “So? What do you want right now?” Neji kept his cold demeanor and was calm and collected like usual. 
Keito: “I want this organization and funds. If not, prepare to watch them die. I know your slutty sister loves them so dearly.” Sasuke never knew that Neji had a sister? He glanced around to see Pain and Akatsuki standing behind Neji while more strangers surrounded them in a circle. ‘It’s a coup.’ Sasuke realized. 
Neji: “Stop this madness Keito. You know what punishment you will get.” Sasuke couldn’t do anything but watch Akira cry from afar. He hated it, he hated when he can’t even protect the people he loves. He hates himself even more that he dragged them into this situation but he wouldn’t do the same mistake anymore. Sasuke won’t run away but protect them. 
Keito: “Oh I am scared.” He said sarcastically while walking toward Akira with a mischievous smile. The metal in his hands shined as he pointed to her neck with a fully sharpened knife. 
Keito: “Do you want her to die first?” Sasuke panicked. Even if he runs, it won’t be enough to save Akira because the distance is far. He thought of several ways to save them but found nothing that will work. 
“It brings back memories.”
……Sasuke's eyes widened as he heard a cold voice. The same voice he heard when he first met his first love. His heartbeat ran wild as he saw strands of Indigo hair scattered as the wind blew. Everyone turned where the voice came to see Hinata Hyuuga standing in front of a black Ferrari with her hands shoved in her trouser jeans that showed off her slim and long legs. 
“So tell me. Where are Akira and Akito?” Everyone felt shivers when they felt a dark and dangerous aura released by Hinata who walked toward them slowly. Sasuke felt petrified when he saw those amethyst eyes closely.

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