Part 6

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Bully 1: “So the creepy eyes emo girl here again? Your eyes are disgusting you know.” I heard a girl shout. I didn’t pay attention because it wasn’t my problem. I am cold, heartless, and ruthless. I agree. I walked to the stairs and stopped when I heard a familiar voice. 
Hinata: “Give me my hoodie back.” I froze at the voice. 
Sasuke: “Hinata...” I rushed toward the voice. I just feel like I should protect her. It’s from the last room on the floor. 
[General’s POV.]
Sasuke saw Hinata getting bullied by 2 boys and 1 girl.
Bully 1: “I didn’t know the nerd has such a great body.” 
A purple hoodie was in his hands and Sasuke remarked that it was Hinata’s. Sasuke saw Hinata’s with boxers and was amazed at what he saw. Damn!! Her body is slim yet curves are where it needs to be. ‘This is not the time for it Pervert.’ Sasuke talked to himself. The bully leaned close to Hinata and she took a step back.
Bully 2: “Let me get you naked and show everyone how you really look like.” He approached Hinata and got greeted by a slap on his face.
Bully 1: “You little…. You know, your hair color is so strange and long. Let me give you a cut.” He pulled out scissors from the bag while another girl is trapping her and another boy is holding her from her hair. Sasuke could see her pain face and struggling to get free. 
Sasuke: “I think her hair looks great.” Sasuke entered the room.
Bully 1: “Who are y….” the bully got scared like he has seen a ghost when he saw Sasuke’s figure.
Bully 2: “Is that the famous UCHIHA SASUKE?” 
One girl among the bullies shouted. They let go of Hinata’s hair and ran toward Sasuke. Sasuke saw Hinata's putting her hoodie back and gathering her things with some cuts and bruises on her arms and face.
Sasuke: “You know I am from a gang right?” He asked sternly. The bullied nodded.
Bully 3: “You are so famous Sasuke-kun. I know you for sure. Please teach us how to fight. They asked. 
Sasuke: “Even though I am in a gang, I don’t bully ladies.” The bullies flinched from Sasuke’s cold voice. 
Bully 2: “Sasuke-kun, don’t mind her. She bumped into us and want to go without apologizing.” The girl bully spoke up. 
Sasuke: “I see.” Sasuke grabbed the girl’s hair and hold her up. The girl cried in pain. The guys took a step back at seeing how Sasuke treated the bully.
Sasuke: “So, how does it feel to get held up by hair?” He released the girl and walked toward Hinata. He holds her up and helps her to gain her balance. 
Bully 1: “Please don’t harm us. We know we were wrong.” They pleaded as Sasuke punched one of the guys. 
Sasuke: “Next time, if I see you guys bullying her, it’s your death. Am I clear?” The bullied nodded and ran away leaving Sasuke and Hinata alone inside the room.
Hinata: “T-T-hanks.” Hinata’s voice was low and shaky. She was sweating in cold weather and her breathing is fast. Sasuke noticed that she is scared of something.
[Sasuke’s POV]
   I took a glance at the fragile girl in front of me. Even though the bullies are gone, she seemed afraid of something. I knew those expressions. Maybe something bad happened to her related to bullying. I knew these too well. Sweating, shaking, and breathing fast. The same reaction when I had nightmares. I am not good at words and I have never comforted someone. I just patted her back and she looked at up me with her beautiful eyes. 
Sasuke: “Breath.” I instructed her and somehow she calmed down. Her breathes became steady. 
Hinata: “Thanks for what you did. How can I repay you?” She broke the silence. 
Sasuke: “Not needed I just did it because I wanted to.” 
I was just speaking the truth. I didn’t want anything from her. She bowed her head a little bit picked up her bag and started to walk away. I followed her because she might get bullied again. ‘Again, why am I doing this? I am not his boyfriend.’ I thought to myself. I saw her eyes got sparkled looking at something while I got stared at by people, especially girls. I saw Hinata walk into a room apparently which is an Onigiri stall. 
Her eyes looked so bright when she saw those rice balls. I saw her pick two Onigiri and paid for it along with a green tea. She sat down on one of the chairs and took a bite. She looked like a child eating her food cheerfully, I chuckled a bit. I also bought 2 onigiris and sat down in front of her. 
Sasuke: “What flavor?” I looked at her rice ball. She gave me a smile which made me freeze. She is changing again. 
Hinata: “It’s salmon and plain. She smiled brightly.” 
I got to hear her soft and warm voice again. I wonder what made her change. ‘Does she laugh often when she changed into this person?’ She took a sip from her green tea and continued eating. I was staring at her until she looked at me and chuckled a bit. I stopped staring at her and ate my rice ball in two bites.
Sasuke: “What’s so funny?” I asked her as she kept laughing. She shook her head and took the last piece of her meal. 
Hinata: “Thanks for your company.”
     She smiled at me and made me confused. After seeing her being childish and smiling so innocently I was afraid to see her being cold again. She started to get up and walked away as nothing happened. I sighed and ran after her. I saw her walking fast and almost lost her in the coward. I didn’t know why I am following her but I just want to see her smile again. I saw her turn right toward a street. Somewhere that I don’t know. I left my car at the school and I am walking right now. When I walked into the street that Hinata went in. I bumped into someone.
Hinata: “Are you following me?” My obsidian eyes looked down at her lavender orbs. Her scent surpassed the surrounding atmosphere. Our faces are inches away, close enough to hear her breathing. 

“If I move an inch, I am sure our lips will be connected.”  

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