Part 31

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A little girl was crying with blood coming down from her mouth. She was sobbing quietly looking at the body lying on the ground lifelessly. It seems like it was her mother… they look identical. She looked scared and frighten while tears kept flowing. I was also frightened when I saw a knife attached to that woman’s neck. The blood looked fresh so there was only one conclusion. 
The little girl saw her mother killed by a man and… That girl was Hinata.”
[3 days later.]
……Hinata took a glance at the person who is sitting in front of her with a book in his hands. Hinata felt butterflies in her stomach and her heart fluttered when she found out that not only did Sasuke rescue her and sent her to hospital, he also stayed by her side without leaving until she woke up. She was very grateful and happy that she has someone who wouldn’t leave her in dark hours. She was moved when Sasuke visited her every day without going to school as Hinata had to rest at home to heal her injuries. Sasuke also bought snacks and medicines even though Hinata declined. Hinata felt closer to Sasuke since that incident and she started to open up to him a little bit more. 
Sasuke: “Hey, I know I’m handsome but you don’t need to stare too much.” Hinata felt embarrassed as Sasuke caught Hinata was staring at him. The Uchiha smirked when he saw Hinata looking away with a tint of red on her cheeks. Teasing Hinata has become like a hobby to Sasuke as he likes how Hinata responds. He started to notice that Hinata became more open not like before. She would usually smile and laugh like normal and Sasuke's heart will beat faster whenever he sees those smiles and giggles that escaped from Hinata’s lips. 
Hinata: ‘I wasn’t staring at you.” Hinata pouted slightly when she saw Sasuke’s smirk. The raven was itching to pinch those chubby cheeks but had to restrain as he doesn’t want Hinata to get the wrong idea. 
Sasuke: “Whatever. How is your hand? Is it still hurting?” Sasuke pointed at a burn mark on Hinata’s hand where Karin rubbed with cigarette’s fire. Sasuke is still collecting the shreds of evidence who tortured Hinata as she wouldn’t speak about who did it. Sakura was the first person whom Sasuke suspected but he can’t accuse her without proof. Someone who planned this was very careful because all the cameras were shut down. Sasuke bitterly thanked Ino for informing or he would never find Hinata.
Hinata: “It’s almost healed.” Hinata answered with a smile making Sasuke's heart beats wild again. ‘Damn, it’s not the first time I see her smile but my heart isn’t used to it.’ 
Sasuke: “Hyuuga.” The amethyst looked at Sasuke who called her name. 
Sasuke: “If something happens, tell me.” Hinata misunderstood the meaning of his sentence as Sasuke let out a sigh before talking. 
Hinata: “I’m sorry. I’m causing too much trouble aren’t I?” Sasuke raised an eyebrow at Hinata’s sudden apology. 
Sasuke: “What are you talking about?” Sasuke just wanted her to know that he will be there for her whenever she needed and he sighed because Hinata was stubborn and always handles things on her own no matter how painful it is. 
Hinata: “I’m sorry for making you come to check me every day. I’m sorry for not thinking if you are free or not. I’m sorry that I’m a burd…” Hinata's eyes opened wide in shock when she felt her head bump into a rough surface. Everything went silent for Hinata when she felt hands wrapping around her waist. She forgot to breathe when she heard heartbeats bumping at the same pace as hers. Both hearts were beating so fast. 
Sasuke: “Don’t apologize again. It’s not your fault.” After hearing the soft whisper Sasuke said, she realized that Sasuke hugged her before she could finish the sentence. She didn’t push him away or hugged him back as she was shocked.
Sasuke: “You will never be a burden to me. What I wanted to say was, I’m here for you. You don’t need to endure the pain alone.” Sasuke pulled Hinata into his embrace more and hugged her tightly. Hinata relaxed and leaned on Sasuke’s chest closing her eyes when his words flowed into her brain and reached into her heart. As Sasuke felt Hinata has adjusted to his touch he continued his sentence again.
Sasuke: “I know you don’t like showing your pain because you think it’s weak but it’s okay to feel weak sometimes. You can’t be strong all the time. You don’t have to be. Let your tears out so you will be better. We all need a soul to reply on and a shoulder to cry on… I will be the person you rely on… Hinata…”
……A single tear escaped from her eyes after hearing those heart-touching words. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, she wanted to tell him that she is hurt and broken but her voice abandoned her. So she just hugged Sasuke back and let her tears fall. Sasuke didn’t mind his shirt being wet by those tears and patted her back to comfort her. 
Sasuke: “Let it all out.” Sobs escaped from Hinata accompanied by hiccups and Sasuke felt his heart throbs in pain seeing Hinata suffering like this. Hinata didn’t care if Sasuke thinks that she is weak anymore. Since Sasuke hugged her, she felt safe in his embrace, she wanted to be like a kid, lean on him, and wanted him to listen to her problems. ‘I’m so selfish.’ Hinata think she was selfish but she was too hurt not to be selfish.
……Sobs and tears have subsided after some minutes, Sasuke still hasn’t let go of Hinata and he wanted to hold her like this forever. Be someone that shares her burdens and someone she trusts. Hinata became tired and her eyes hurt from crying too much and her throat is sore. She let the sleepiness take over as she was too exhausted. Sasuke noticed her warm breath on her chest had become normal so he looked down to see Hinata falling asleep. Forming a smile, Sasuke lifted her light body up gently and carried her bridal to find her room. 
……Sasuke slowly walked into Hinata's room and he was quite nervous because he has never entered a girl’s room except for his mother. Even though it was small, the room was pristine and most of the thing was purple. Her room was very neat and also the lavender scent was very relaxing. Sasuke puts down Hinata on the bed who is sleeping soundly. Sasuke smiled as he noticed the girl is grabbing his shirt tightly making him unable to stand up. The raven sat down near her bed and admired her features. 
……Her indigo hair is scattered on the bedsheet, the bangs covering her forehead, her neatly arranged eyebrows above the long lashes attached to her eyelids, her round bottom nose, her chubby cheeks look appealing for Sasuke. His eyes stared longer at her red lips that look tempting. He leaned toward the sleeping angle as he can no longer resist. His lips kissed the forehead of her gently. 
Sasuke: “Have a sweet dream Hinata…”

  Sasuke: “Have a sweet dream Hinata…” 

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(Hinata's bedroom.)

I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I was on a vacation. I might not be able to update 2 chapters because of my exams.


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