Part 42

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Sasuke: "I was afraid... I was scared to see you get hurt..." tears kept flowing from his eyes as he mumbled. Hinata also felt hurt by seeing him so miserable. She thought Sasuke was happy not to see her but what she saw right now was very different.

Sasuke: "I was afraid that you will be in danger because of me." Hinata let a tear flow as she found out why Sasuke pushed her away.

Sasuke: "I hated seeing you hurt and I decided to leave you alone for your safety even if it means I would be get hurt by my decisions because... You are very important to me."

Sasuke: "Please forgive me. I need you." Hinata closed her eyes and her plump lips curved into an affectionate smile surreptitiously while Sasuke looked down and still held her waist. She already knew that Sasuke was also suffering like her when Mikoto came to her house and told her that Sasuke did all of this to protect her. At first, she was mad at him for making a silly decision but her heart melted again as she understood she would do the same if she was Sasuke. Even though Hinata was already forgiven him, she wanted to punish him for making her cry like an insane person. She smirked. [Surreptitiously: in a secret way that people do not notice.]

Hinata: "Then prove to me that you are worthy enough for my forgiveness." Hinata wanted to laugh so badly when she saw how Sasuke smiled widely when he was given a second chance. A chance to be with his love of life again.




......Sasuke let out a weak yarn and blinked to adjust the light that entered his eyes as he just woke up. He smiled faintly as he felt his energy refilled again when he realized he had a good sleep. A sleep where there isn't a nightmare about Hinata falling from the rooftop or a sleep where it shows Hinata's death. Sniffling the soothing lavender scent, his smile widened when he saw Hinata is asleep in his arms. They were in Hinata's living room wrapped around in a thick blanket along with the little kitten who is also sleeping like his master.

......Two days ago, Sasuke kept showing up in front of Hinata's house and apologized to her over and over again for her forgiveness and had to wait for more than an hour for her to open the door whenever he came to meet her. Sasuke looked like a fool following wherever Hinata goes like a puppy and he almost forgot what is Uchiha's pride. Buying her cinnamon rolls and giving everything she wanted, Hinata finally gave in when she had made him suffer enough.

......He looked down at the angel in his arms. The angel that melted his heart. Sasuke loved how her bangs covered up her forehead neatly, her long lashes look perfect whenever she blinked, showing her round lavender tainted eyes that Sasuke fell in love with, her pale yet rosy cheeks make her look adorable whenever she giggles so lovingly, not to mention her straight yet round bottom nose above her moist and plump lips that look appealing and eatable. He quickly shook his head to dismiss those such thoughts as he stared at her like a pervert. 'Fuck those teenage hormones.' He thought. He found himself touching his cheeks that was dusted with pink as his thoughts wandered the events of yesterday,


Sasuke: "Hinata... Are you still mad at me?" Sasuke said with a pleading tone as Hinata gave him a cold shoulder. Hinata was smiling to hear Sasuke's voice which sounds cute. Although Sasuke doesn't know, Hinata was always laughing and smiling to see Sasuke like this whenever she turned her back. As she had enough fun teasing him, she decided to give in. Sasuke's eyes widened and his heart ran a mile when he felt a pair of soft lips give a quick peck on his cheeks.

Hinata: "I will forgive you if only you buy me cinnamon rolls." With that, Hinata disappeared into her house with a pair of blushing cheeks leaving Sasuke who was red like a tomato.

Sasuke: "Your wish is my command, Madam." He grinned like an idiot as he recovered from the shock and went to buy the best cinnamon rolls for Hinata.

[End of Flashback]

...Sasuke found himself blushing whenever he thought about Hinata's kiss which is pretty creepy as he won't stop grinning for like an hour. Sasuke shifted his focus to Hinata as she moved and slowly opened her eyes.

Sasuke: "Did you have a good sleep?" Sasuke cooed getting a slight nod from sleepy Hinata in response.

Hinata: "It's colder these days isn't it?" Hinata said as she hugged Sasuke tighter and snuggled into Sasuke's warmth making Sasuke's breath hitch as he felt her warm breath brushing through his broad chest covered in a T-shirt.

Sasuke: "You can't sleep anymore Hinata. We have school." Sasuke ruffled Hinata's hair in a playful manner receiving an annoyed groan from her. As their relationship was mended, Hinata became more touchy and she never let Sasuke out of her sight which Sasuke found cute. Except for times when Hinata startled him with an unexpected hug making him almost get a heart attack.

Hinata: "Sasuke-kun... Don't leave me again okay?" She whispered weakly.

Sasuke: "Of course, I won't...' His voice choked when he saw Hinata looking up at him with the most adorable puppy eyes while gripping his shirt. He turned his face away as he felt his face heat up. Hinata titled her head as Sasuke covered his face with the back of his hand and trace under his nose to check for any nosebleed from the attack Hinata gave. God only knows how much he had to resist himself from kissing her so badly.

Sasuke: "I will never leave you again I promise." He forced his voice out as he finally calmed down.

Hinata: "Mhm. I am going to go wash my face but I don't want to walk. "These past days, carrying Hinata has become one of Sasuke's routines as Hinata doesn't want to walk very often. Sasuke just chuckled as Hinata hugged his neck and waited for him to carry her light body that lost weight.

Sasuke: "You are not a kid anymore Hinata. "Sasuke said amusingly but Hinata felt her heart stung as she remembered Sasuke said that she is a burden to him even though he explained it was just a lie. Hinata looked down and bit her lips before getting up by herself making Sasuke panic as he saw Hinata's cold face.

Sasuke: "No I mean..."

Hinata: "Just go back to your woman." Hinata spat and decided to walk away without waiting for Sasuke to continue his sentence.

Sasuke: "What do you mean by my woman?" Sasuke was confused as he has no girls except for Hinata.

Hinata: "Don't act dumb. I saw you guys at the mall." She lowered her head again making her hair cover her face so he wouldn't see her hurt face.

Sasuke: "Wait? You mean her?" Hinata felt her heartache as she thought he even had her photo. 'Just how much important she is to him?' Unwillingly, Hinata turned to look at the picture on Sasuke's phone screen to see and nodded.

Sasuke: "Well I think you misunderstood. She is not my woman." Hinata just rolled her eyes and gave him an 'Oh really then, who is she?' look.

Sasuke: I"t's nii-san fiancé." Hinata blinked as she just digested his words. So she was jealous of a woman who is her crush's bother's girlfriend!!!!! She felt guilty for accusing Sasuke as a playboy when he wasn't.

Hinata: "I didn't know..." She spoke in a low tone as she was embarrassed about accusing things without knowing them.

Sasuke: "Were you... jealous?" Hinata flinched and quickly turned away as she was blushing from head to toe. Sasuke was amused to see his love being jealous of him. The raven walked to her and held her hands that covered her face to prevent him from seeing her in a blushing state. Sasuke grabbed her hand gently and bent down to look at her eyes.

Sasuke: "I was just asking for her help to buy something. You will know later." Hinata felt her heart jump out of her chest when Sasuke kissed the back of her hand genuinely.

Sasuke: "Don't worry. I am not interested in girls except for you." Sasuke slowly leaned toward her and give her another soft and gentle kiss on her forehead affectionately.

Sasuke: "You are the only one."



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