Part 38

807 39 16

Hello guys. I am sorry for not updating in two days. I had to travel to another region for my placement test and I am going to study how to write better stories. For the test, I did really well, and thanks to my reader for supporting my stories even though I am not updating daily.


[End of her Flashback.]

'I should have known it, I shouldn't have hoped that someone will love me again. It's my fault that I thought he would love me also. It's my fault for being fluttered when he kissed my forehead without any feelings. I thought I was important to him by hearing his sweet talk. It turns out that he even skipped a day and ignored my calls even his best friend's call for her.'

Hinata: "I guess I should leave him alone..."




......Konan and the children looked at the person who opened the door with a loud thud. Their eyes widened in surprise when they saw Hinata who is walking into the orphanage like a dead person. Her eyes that used to be filled with love, kindness, and gentleness were now broken, empty, cold and the tears kept falling to the ground. Akito quickly run to his mother figure as he saw how fragile she was.

Akito: "Nee-chan. What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Not only Akito but also other children were very worried about Hinata who kept crying and sobbing.

Akira: "Nee-chan. How did this happen?" Ignoring the comments and questions from the children, Hinata finally sat down on the floor while sobbing continuously.

Konan: "Kids, go and make tea for Hinata okay? She needs some time." Children disappeared into the kitchen quickly to make the best tea for their beloved sister.

Konan: "Tell me what happened?" Konan rubbed the back of Hinata soothingly and whispered. Hinata ran into Konan's embrace and snuggled like a child while Konan hugged her back.

Hinata: "It's over. Sasuke he... he is just playing with me." She said between sobs making the words blurry.

Konan: "Calm down first. I don't think he is playing with you Hinata-chan. There might be some misunderstanding." Konan clearly saw how Sasuke always looks at Hinata with longing, love, and gentleness while he treats other people coldly and how he was worried and panicked when Hinata got trapped in the warehouse. He even confessed his love for Hinata and asked Konan for her blessing with the reason that she is like a mother to Hinata. There is no way Sasuke is playing with her.

Hinata: "No. I... I saw it w-with m-my own e-eyes. H-he w-was at the mall w-with a w-woman. S-she was hugging his a-arms and h-he was smiling.' Konan couldn't believe what she heard. 'That bastard' She cursed him in her mind and decided to give him a lesson for making Hinata cry. Konan knows that Hinata wouldn't lie about something and she wouldn't be in this state if it isn't real.

Akira: "Hinata-nee-chan. Here is the tea. Please don't be sad." Hinata slowly wiped her tears and forced a smile.

Hinata: "Sorry if I worried you, Nee-chan is fine now. Thank you." She patted Akira's head and took the teacup.

Akito: "Where is Sasuke-niisan?" Hinata almost chocked on her tea and Konan just faked a smile to assure the kids.

Konan: "He is busy today. What about we make dinner for Hinata?" She changed the topic wisely so as not to make Hinata uncomfortable and the kids took the bait. They cheered happily as they love cooking including boys.

[Time skips.]

Sasuke: "Where is she?" He started to panic as not only Hinata isn't in her house but also she doesn't pick up his calls. He also texted her that he was asleep but his messages aren't reaching her. Sasuke knows she might be mad at him because she called him 57 times with 23 messages saying are you okay and where are you but he was too drunk to wake up. His slender fingers typed some numbers and called someone.

She is the one. (Sasuhina)Where stories live. Discover now