Part 35

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[5 Days later]

......Hinata was sitting nervously on the sofa while squeezing her skirt. How could she not be nervous when Sasuke suddenly invited her to the family dinner. Even though he said his mother just wanted to see her and thank her for persuading Sasuke to come back home, she couldn't help but feel anxious and excited somehow. She tied her hair in a high ponytail and wore a smile T-shirt along with a lavender skirt that falls on her kneels. Even though she isn't interested in her appearance usually, she of course wants to look good in front of Sasuke's family. They can be future in-laws, right? 'Get a grip Hinata.' She reminded herself.

Sasuke: "Father, mother, this is Hinata Hyuuga. She is my friend." Sasuke broke the silence first.

Itachi: "Are you sure she is a friend? I thought she was your girlfriend..."

Fugaku: "Itachi, Behave." Hinata felt more frightened at the stern voice, the man looks more serious and intimidating than Sasuke.

Mikoto: "I'm sorry if he made you uncomfortable Hinata-san." She felt a little bit relaxed after hearing the sweet smile of Mikoto. Let me introduce myself. "I'm Mikoto Uchiha and this is my husband Fugaku Uchiha. It's nice to meet you." She said with a friendly smile trying to reduce the awkwardness between 5 people.

Hinata: "Ah, it's okay Uchiha-san. It's an honor to meet you too." She said with a slight bow. Her voice was neither soft nor cold but normal.

Mikoto: "Sasuke you should be polite like her." Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows as his mother said he is rude indirectly. Itachi was already laughing at Sasuke's grumpy face while Hinata flashed a smile.

Itachi: "I wonder how can someone patient and polite like you can befriend my stingy brother." He said teasingly receiving a glare from Sasuke.

Hinata: "From my point of view, Uchiha-san isn't that bad. People may see he is arrogant and heartless because of his cold face but his personality lies beyond faces. If you try to understand him a bit harder and look through his soul, Uchiha-san is kind, caring, and patient." Her voice softened as well as her gaze when she explained at length and Sasuke couldn't help but smile amusedly.

Mikoto: "I am glad that he has an understanding friend. I also thank you deeply not only for being there for him but also for being able to convince him to return home." The female Uchiha bowed toward Hinata while she felt her heart moved by the young girl's word. Inside her mind, the female Uchiha was impressed by her way of thinking.

Hinata: "Please I didn't do anything. I just wanted him to know family comes first. I don't mean to offend any of you but there will be a day when we won't be able to see someone we love, cherish. At that time, some words will remain unspoken, some problems won't be solved yet. He will feel guilty, regretful for not being able to tell those things. I think we should learn to forgive, put our pride aside and cherish the people we love before they leave the world." The family remains silent after hearing the girl's true explanation. They were all speechless and busy with their thoughts as she pointed out something that they neglected which is very important.

Fugaku: "Indeed, I used to be so focused on my work because I thought I was doing it for my family and I even tried to control Sasuke's life for money and power. When he left, I realized that family should be prioritized. Money and power couldn't give me the happiness that my family gave. I'm really sorry for that Sasuke." Mikoto and Itachi got teary after hearing Fugaku's confession while Fugaku himself felt lighter. He felt peaceful after letting go of his ego and apologized from the bottom of his heart. Sasuke was touched by his father's sudden apology.

Sasuke: "It's okay Dad. I'm glad you have realized your mistake." Hinata just smiled faintly watching them. In her heart, she missed her mother very much. She missed what it feels like to have a family. Itachi passed the tissue box to Mikoto who is already crying.

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