Part 14

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[Hinata’s POV.]
          I was waiting for her hand to make a contact with my face but I felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes to see Sasuke with a killing aura radiating around him. The girl who tried to slap me was pale and she flinched as the grip got tighter. Before I said something, an intimidating voice mixed with venom made my eyes wide.
Sasuke: “Touch her and I will cut your arm off.”
Bully 1: “But S-Sasuke-kun, she is a witch.” I saw the grip get tighter and the girl was crying already while Sasuke looked at her with a death glare.
Sasuke: “ENOUGH WITH THIS CRAP!! Stop calling my name nonstop. Because I don’t give a fuck about you. Stop picking up on the ones who are close to me, especially her. She did nothing wrong. If you touch her one
 more time. I will kill you without hesitation.” 
          The words he spoke made me teary. I knew that he saw a piece of my past when I met his eyes. In my life, I was always scared of people because of my tragic past and since then, I stopped talking, showing my feelings yet this man, just came into my life a few days ago and he made me feel protected and safe. I can hear the girl sobbing because of Sasuke’s word. I took a glance at him and he seemed pretty mad he looked at me and he suddenly grabbed my arms. 
Sasuke: “Let’s go.” He said sternly and pulled me away from those girls. The girl who tried to slap me was rubbing her wrist and I saw a red mark where Sasuke held her. 
Hinata: “U-Uchiha-san.” I spoke softly as he seemed mad and he was going pretty fast. Also, I didn’t know where he was going.
Sasuke: “What?” He stopped walking and turned to me. Quickly, I shifted my gaze to the ground avoiding my eye contact. 
Hinata: “Are you mad?” He let go of my hand and let out a sigh.
Sasuke: “Not at you.” I looked at him confused and even though he is relaxed, he looks intimidating. 
Hinata: “Thanks and how can I repay you? Perhaps, I can get you a drink for your kindness.” I smiled at him trying to light up the tension between us.
[Sasuke’s POV.]
          I was still pissed about those nosy girls and I raised an eyebrow when she asks that she is going to buy me a drink. ‘Is this woman crazy? She is absolutely crazy. She just ate bread this afternoon but she is going to buy me a drink?’ I out a sigh because I knew she is going to nag me until I ask something from her. I mean I can see the determination in her eyes.
Sasuke: “Take me to the Orphanage.” She looked at me like I am a ghost when I said that. 
Hinata: “E-eh?” I wanted to laugh at her reaction but I put on my emotionless face. Uchiha never shows their feelings.
Sasuke: “I have things to donate them but I don’t want to go alone.” She giggled and nodded quickly. I can see her eyes light up when she was heading to the orphanage. 
No one will ever know that he chose to visit orphans because he wanted to see her smile again,
Sasuke: “I got my car. It’s far.” I noticed that she just looked at my car not moving a muscle.
Hinata: “I think I will walk.” I grabbed her wrist and made her face me. 
Sasuke: “I am not kidnapping you.” Hinata sighed and nodded.
Hinata: “I didn’t mean to offend you like that.”
Sasuke: “Hn.” I walked to my door and opened the back door for her. Even though I am stingy, my mom taught me to respect women and I always keep that in my mind.
           On the way to the orphanage, none of us talked or started a conversation. For the first time, Sasuke enjoyed someone’s company. Someone who minds her own business, someone who is quiet. To be honest, I felt that her presence is quite calm and comforting. I noticed that she was looking through the window at the back seat. Some minutes later, I stopped my car as I reached my destination. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door for her while the children watched in awe. 
Hinata: “Thank you.” She whispered and she smiled as soon as she saw the children. 
Akira: “Welcome One-san.” The girl I met yesterday smiled brightly while running toward Hinata. 
Hinata: “Aki, it’s dangerous, and don’t run. I will be there.” She scolded the girl without scolding. I mean her voice doesn’t sound like scolding.
Akito: “That was a dramatic entrance Nee-san. The driver opened the door for the beautiful princess.” He winked playfully at me and I flinched as he mentioned as ‘The driver’ ‘What the hell? Do I look like a driver?’
Hinata: “Akito, Uchiha-san came here to visit you. Show your manners please.” I followed Hinata as she crossed the road and hugged the girl as she patted Akito’s head. 
Akito: “I was just kidding Nee-san, a mature boy won’t mind it right?” This kid… He is getting on my nerve.  
Konan: “Oh Hinata welcome and this gentleman Uchiha Sasuke if I am not mistaken, how can I help you?” I didn’t know how to mention her about the donation.
Hinata: “He said he would love to give you some things for this orphan. Kids, please get back inside and don’t make a mess okay?” She smiled at them and it gave me a shiver down the spines to see her smiling again. We walked into the room and it had 2 sofas with a table surrounding it and I guess it’s the living room. 
Hinata: “Your tea will be ready in a minute.” She left the room quickly leaving me with a purple-haired girl who is smiling.
Sasuke: “I would like to build a new home for them.” My words made the girl drop her jaws and she laughed till tears come down after a minute.
Konan: “It was a very good joke, sir.” She said between her laugh. Hinata poured the tea into cups and placed it in front of us. She bowed and excused herself. ‘What is she? A maid? She is a guess and yet she is doing this.’ It made me frown and pissed at how tolerating she is.
Sasuke: “What if it isn’t a joke?” She stopped laughing and she got serious looking at me like I have lost my mind or not.
Konan: “I would be more than glad to give these children a better home but if I may, can I ask the reason why are you doing this young man? You have been here only twice and I didn’t think you would care for these matters.” Her eyes show curiosity while she formed a smile.
Sasuke: “I want to visit whenever I want and I don’t want people to follow and make trouble. So I am going to build them a home in a new place. I also want to see them happy.”
 ‘Moreover, I also wanted her to be happy.’ God only knows that he isn’t going to say that to anyone but only himself. 
Konan: “You have my permission young man. If you excuse me, I need to buy the ingredients for dinner.” She looked very happy about my offer by seeing her sparkling eyes.
Sasuke: “Well I shall visit the children. I left the room as the discussion is over and I still need someone to help me decorate it. Maybe Hinata might have a good idea for decoration. After all, she is pretty close with the….”
           The sight in front of me made me breathless, I wished it lasts eternity as the scene is ethereal. The sunlight entered from the window and reached Hinata’s back, making her silky hair reflect the sunlight and glow beautifully. Hinata has a gentle smile on her face, a smile that mothers show toward their children. Akira was sleeping inside Hinata's embrace while Akito was sleeping on Hinata’s lap. Her right arm hugged Akira while she caressed Akito’s blue hair. Now I believe the fairytales are true because there was an angel in front of my own eyes. {Ethereal: Extremely beautiful.}
          His unconscious mind carried his legs toward her and sat down near the angel. He slowly leaned his head on her shoulders which Hinata accept without a word. The way she looked at them, the way she hugged the girl, the way she caressed the boy’s hair are beautiful, breathing, and peaceful. A wave of sadness and excitement rushed to me as I saw my mother's image in her. My gentle mother, My kind mother, My beloved mother. My lips parted a bit and whispered something in a soft tone when I closed my eyes.
Sasuke: “Let me stay like this for a while.”

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