Part 4

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Hinata: “It’s $20.63.” She handed me the bag and I took it. 
Sasuke: “Can I pay in Japanese money?” She nodded. Her pale and long fingers ran through the computer. I could see her bangs falling slowly which she took them gently and placed them behind her ears. The sun shined through the glass and the sunlight is shining from her back. I forgot to breathe at such a moment. 
“For the first time in my life, I paid attention to a girl and thought she was beautiful”
Hinata: “2350 yen.” 
I pulled out my wallet and gave her 3000. She gave me 650 back. I grabbed my things and started to walk out and she called me.
Hinata: “Please wait.” 
I turned back to her and saw her staring at me for a minute. “You are the one with Naruto-san last night right?” She asked. I raised my eyebrows at her sentence. 
Sasuke: “You don’t know me?” She shook her head. “Are you serious?” I asked again. She nodded.
Sasuke: “I am Uchiha Sasuke.” I gave her a confused look. I realized that my charm doesn’t work for everyone.
Hinata: “Um…” She ruffles her hair and thinks deep. 
Sasuke: “Why did you call me?” 
I asked her sternly. She stopped thinking looked at me for a while and searched for something in her backpack. She walked toward me and gave me $72.8.
Hinata: “You forgot your change last night Uchiha-san.” 
She turned back and I quickly grabbed her wrist to turn her around. ‘Uchiha-san? Is this a way to earn my attention because I have been thinking about her too much?’ I let out a breath.
Sasuke: “It’s the tip.” I put the money on the table. Naruto said that she is working hard to pay her fees. It’s not like I need those changes back. I am a millionaire. 
Hinata: “It only costs $28.2. Are you sure it’s the tip?” She asked me with a curious face. I let go of her hand and nodded. 
Sasuke: “Keep it.” I started to walk away. I saw her bow toward me.
Hinata: “Thank you.” 
She walked back to the counter and started her study again. She didn’t even look at me again. ‘What a strange girl?’ I thought. I walked back to Naruto’s house and opened the door to see him sitting on the sofa watching TV.
Naruto: “Teme. Where have you been It’s even 9 ya know.” He shouted to me and closed the TV.
Sasuke: “Groceries.” I put the bag on the table and sat down to catch my breath.
Naruto: “What you have in here?” 
He came to me and started pulling out the things inside the bag. “Ohh, and after eating, let’s go to school and fill out the forms. We need to talk to the principal about you.” He grabbed the energy drink and opened it.
Sasuke: “Hn.” 
I answered bluntly and took a bite from the steamed bun. I started chewing it. ‘That girl didn’t know me and gave me the changes back when the others will just take it. Is she dumb or something?’ I chuckled at my thoughts. Her beautiful eyes flash back through my mind. ‘How beautiful they are?’ I thought. 
Naruto: “Cut it out Teme. It’s creepy. You are laughing while eating food.” I could see he is frightened like he has seen a ghost or something.
Sasuke: “What?” My face turned to my normal cold face. 
Naruto: “What happened this morning? You are in a good mood.” 
He slurped the Soba noodles. I decided not to talk about the encounter with the girl because he is going to tease me about it.
Sasuke: “Nothing.” 
I kept eating and picked up the onigiri. In the end, I ate Soba noodles, 2 onigiris, 1 steamed bun, and an energy drink. I am full. Naruto went upstairs a while ago. I got up and cleaned the mess on the table. I felt something on my shoulder while walking.
Sasuke: “What’s this Naruto?” He gave me a grin.
Naruto: “School clothes. I can’t wait to see Sakura-chan in a cute skirt.” His eyes sparkled with excitement. 
Sasuke: “Pervert.”
 Naruto has been in love with Sakura since they were kids. Sakura was too busy chasing after me to notice his love for her. ‘Love triangle.’ I scoffed. I went to my room with the clothes naruto gave me. ‘Not bad' I thought. Naruto is some inches shorter than me but still, it’s good to wear. 
Naruto: “You look, good bro. Let’s go. Your car or mine?” He said esthetically. 
Sasuke: “Mine.” 
I chose mine because Naruto’s car color sucks. Fucking Orange. ‘Who the fuck colors cars orange?’ I went to the car parking and picked out my new bought Mercedes.
[Time skips.]
Sasuke: “Konoha High School is not bad.” 
     He shrugged his shoulders. His best friend idiot has runway because he saw his little “Sakura”. Seriously, I don’t know where to go. I am going to kill him when I find him. I walked into the school compound and the school building with a black aura around me. Even though the girls want to talk to me and come to me and greet themselves, I put on my irritated face which causes them to back up. I saw so many students holding signs and boards about their clubs and stuff. 
     I was dizzy because of the coward and fangirls. They surrounded me and yell my name. Good now, I am annoyed. I gave a death glare to the girls beside me like I am going to kill them and they ran away. I sighed. At that time, a familiar scent greeted me. Lavender scent. I looked around to find a certain person. The indigo hair passed through my face along with her sweet scent. I quickly followed her and grabbed her wrist. She looked back at me with a confused face. I turned my face a little.
Sasuke: “I am lost…” 

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