Part 10

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Itachi: "Please take this." A young man with broad shoulders, black eyes, thin lips with a tall figure along with a Calm and collected aura. He looks a lot like Sasuke except for his hair. Maybe they are siblings but it’s not my matter.
Hinata: “Thank you. If you are free I will go and take the purse immediately.” I said slowly looking into his face. A small smile appeared on his face.
Itachi: “There is no need for that. You don’t need to pay me back.” He said with a smile but I shook my head.
Hinata: “Please wait here.”
 At the end of my sentence, I already ran out of the shop and ran back to my apartment as fast as possible because I don’t want to make him wait for a long time. I quickly rushed to the kitchen and saw my purple purse. Without any doubt, I grabbed and jogged to the shop hoping that he would still be there. He is still there leaning against the wall with my groceries. That post, that angle he is standing looks like Sasuke. I quickly dismissed that thought and approached him.
Hinata: “Here. Sorry to make you wait.” I handed him the money and was careful not to touch his hand. He gave me a small smile and handed me the bag. 
Itachi: “You didn’t need to pay me back really.” He said calmly, he is less intimidating than Sasuke though. ‘Ahh, why am I even comparing them? You don’t have time to think about boys.’
Hinata: “I don’t want to owe anyone anything.” I said coldly. I always have this face around people unless they are orphans. People are cruel and take advantage of other people. 
Itachi: “I see.” He gave me another smile but I didn’t smile back or utter a word. I don’t want to talk to people or make friends. ‘Being alone is the best.’
Hinata: “Please excuse me.” I gave him my respect and started walking away without looking back. He is just a passerby. 
[Time skips.]
Hinata: “I am back little guy.” I cuddled the little cat in front of me. “I will think a name for you. First, let me get you milk.”
 I entered the kitchen and was followed by the kitty. I switched on the light and I was satisfied because I fixed the light by myself. I pulled out the things from the bag. I placed the curry pack on the table while I poured the milk inside a plate and gave it to the kitten. A cool breeze brushed against my face as I opened the refrigerator and put Swiss rolls and mocha ice cream on. I put the ramen packs on the shelves and went upstairs to take a bath. 
I filled the bathtub with warm water and lavender-scented soap. I let out a small sigh as I can feel my muscles relax after I went inside the bathtub. My lips curved into a smile when I remembered what happened today. I was the target of bullies because I was weak and I never fight back. This morning I was picked up by some bullies as I bump into them. I would be in short hair if a certain someone hasn’t arrived. Uchiha Sasuke. The famous youngest son of the Uchiha cooperation which is the biggest business in Konoha. I showed my soft side to him. How odd of me? I always wear the poker face and show no emotions as I get scolded or beaten when I make a sound. 
We also went to the orphan and I saw his smile. It was beautiful and I can assure that he wasn’t faking it. ‘Why am I thinking so much about him? If you have time to think about a man get up and do your studies Hinata.’ I scolded myself and got out of the bathroom and put on my clothes. Entering my nicely arranged bedroom, I could see so many books arranged and it lightened my mood. I have always loved reading. When I am reading, I always forget how hard life is, and gives me peace. I walked toward my study table and opened the table lamp. I picked out the chemistry book and started reviewing the lessons for tomorrow. 
Hinata: “Tomorrow is the first day of school April first.” 
I sighed at the thought of school. I have always wanted to be a rich, smart and independent woman but I am an orphan. I have to rely on scholarships to attend school. Interior designs are my first option if I graduate and start working. My mom always say that she wanted to live in a well-decorated house. I could feel my heart hurt when I remembered her. I closed the chemistry book because if I continue I would think about her. I grabbed the novel I am reading recently.
Hinata’s mother: “You see darling. Knowledge is the best weapon and books are the best medicine for your mental illness. I want you to treasure the books as much as you value me, Honey.” She used to say that to me.
Hinata: “Mother.” With the whisper, tears flowed down endlessly. 

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