Part 11

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Hinata’s mother: “You see darling. Knowledge is the best weapon and books are the best medicine for your mental illness. I want you to treasure the books as much as you value me, Honey.” She used to say that to me.
Hinata: “Mother.” With the whisper, tears flowed down endlessly. 
I quickly wiped the tears away. Mother doesn’t want to see me crying I bet. I will stay strong mother. ‘To achieve my goals, I will do whatever it takes.’ Determination was cleared in my eyes. I took a look at the clock it’s already 7. ‘I should have my dinner.’ I went downstairs and prepared my dinner. A bowl of warm rice and omelet. I am not a rich girl and I am not picky so I don’t spend extra money on meals. Just healthy and normal ones. I looked at the table next to me. There used to be my mother who always accompany me while eating and she would share her experience with me. I sighed loudly and my mind is not normal today. I should take a rest and I have to work tomorrow morning. I washed the dishes and arranged them neatly and went to bed.
[Time skips] 
[Sasuke’s POV.]
          I looked at the watch on my wrist with annoyance on my face. School starts at 9 and I haven’t got any breakfast because I woke up late. I am quite a morning person but I overdrunk last night. It’s already 8:30. I have no time left for breakfast. “Tsk.” I became more irritated and I ignored the breakfast. I grabbed my school bag and went into my car. The first day of school means we have to occupy our seats, ‘I don’t want to sit near with those crazy girls.’ I speed up the car and park it in the school parking lot. 
Naruto: “Teme, HERE!!” My eyebrows furrowed at the voice behind my back.
Sasuke: “For the Fuck’s Sake. Don’t shout.” My voice was quite harsh and a frown on my face is as clear as the sky. ‘First, I didn’t have any breakfast, and second I have to deal with those girls because of his loud mouth.’
Naruto: “You are not in a good mood today aren’t ya?” 
Sasuke: “Can’t you see it yourself?” I gave a death glare at him to receive an awkward chuckle from the blonde. 
Naruto: “Let’s go to our class. You are quite early so you can get any seats you like.” He gave a wink and started to walk into the school building before another annoying person appeared.
Sakura: “Sasuke-kun. It’s so good to see you. You look so good with that uniform.” I swear I could vomit at her cheesy voice. I took a quick glance at her, her skirt is ‘too short. 
Sasuke: “Tsk.”
 With that, I left quickly toward our classroom because all the people's eyes are on us. I don’t want attention but I am the center of attention. ‘Fuck life.’ I cursed silently. As long as I remember, my room is Class 3-A. There are types of rooms depending on the result grades and scores. A has the most excellent students and B has less talented and so on. There are A to D in each grade. I got A classroom luckily with is the same as Naruto because I don’t know anyone else. I went to my locker as our Homeroom teacher Kakashi is going to introduce me after the class starts. Maybe I can grab a bite at the canteen. 
The blue-haired girl with lilac eyes came into my mind as I thought about the canteen. The reaction she had when she took a bit from her onigiri. ‘Damn it.’ She is making me crazy and I have been thinking about her a lot recently. Before I could step into the canteen, the bell rang which means the class is starting. I have to go back to my class. ‘Troublesome. Why did I even come here?’ My chains of thoughts were cut off when I realized that I can’t pick the desk I want. If I am placed near Sakura, I am skipping school. 
Kakashi: “We have a new student today. Please come in.” That’s a green light for me. I went into the classroom with my usual emotionless face I got stared at by everyone like I am a god or something. 
Kakashi: “Please introduce yourself.” The man with a mask on his face along with spiky silver hair spoke. 
Sasuke: “Sasuke Uchiha.” I said sternly getting cheers not only from girls but also from boys except my old classmates. ‘Naruto Uzumaki, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Rock Lee, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi.’ I was expecting to see certain someone. As she got the scholarship, it means that she must be in an A class for sure. 
Girl 1: “Is that the popular Sasuke Uchiha from the Uchiha cooperation?” 
A pair of glasses and wearing a short skirt was worn by another fangirl. If I mean by short, it’s ‘really short.’ Which I don’t like and also red hair? It’s too bright for me.  
Girl 2: “Who cares? He is hot.” A girl with long blonde hair my old classmate Ino Yamanaka spoke. She is as annoying as Sakura. I scoffed. 
Boy 1: “Damn! I agree.” ‘What the hell? Is he gay?’
Girl 3: “He is so handsome Kyaa.” The voice they made is so annoying and I am going to go on a rampage if they are squealing more.
Kakashi: “Quite if you don’t want to go to the principal office.” The teacher calmed the students down. ‘He is a lifesaver.’ I thought to myself.
Kakashi: “Sasuke, please sit next to…” I could see all the girls were looking at Kakashi with bright eyes to sit next to me.
Kakashi: “Hinata Hyuuga. Hinata-chan please raise your hands.”
Everything stopped when I heard her name, my heartbeat getting faster and faster. ‘Shut up I told my heart.’ My eyes searched for her arms to be raised. I saw a pale and beautiful arm in the arm near the window. There she is. 
The one I am looking for. Hinata Hyuuga. 

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