Part 30

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Ino: "Why did you save me? After all the things I did to you?" The blonde knew that they could have just walked away easily. Ino's question caught Hinata off guard but Ino felt his heartbeat wild when she saw Hinata smiles genuinely for the first time.

Hinata: "I will never ignore someone who needs help just because I dislike them." Her answer made her eyes widen. All this time, Ino thought she was a witch and evil.

But the real Hinata was an angel... A pure soul... A kind heart...

[End of flashback]




......Sasuke rushed to his classroom and cursed himself for taking too long to fill out the form of the basketball club. He opened the door in a hurry and his heart was sliced into two parts and his body felt numb as he found no one. Hinata has promised to wait for him to go home together this afternoon. Sasuke was informed that Hinata isn't going to join the cooking club anymore because it will take extra time after school. Sasuke was worried that something will happen to Hinata if she goes home alone so he asked her to wait for him. If only the raven knew if the filling form will take longer, he would have escorted her home first.

......Sasuke took a deep breath to calm his racing heart. Sasuke's sharp eyes found Hinata's bag near her table so he decided to wait for her return as he thought she is going to the toilet. His anxiety started to appear again as there is no sign of her coming after a few minutes. The students have now gone home as the school was finished for a long time. The thought that 'If something to Hinata' killed him inside. He got up from his seat with a heavy heart and he decided to look for her door by door. Before he could touch the doorknob, the door was opened by someone. Sasuke's eyebrow furrowed when he saw a breathless Yamanaka who looks terrified.

Ino: "H-Hinata..." She paused making Sasuke more worried by looking at the expression on her face, it's not something good. She was breathing heavily catching her breath, the sweat from her face dropped to the floor making Sasuke impatient.

Sasuke: "SHE WHAT?" Sasuke snapped making Ino stunned for a bit but she quickly regained her senses.

Ino: "W-warehouse... i-she.. trapped." Before she could finish, Sasuke has already run out of the classroom. He even skipped stairs because it's taking so long. His heart was racing fast with the fear that something might happen to her. 'Please be safe.' He prayed for her safety and his eyes look breathless while heading toward the abandoned place.

......He ruffled his hair roughly when he saw the warehouse was locked by chains. By looking at that, Sasuke can say Hinata is definitely in there. The blonde followed Sasuke to the warehouse again with shaking legs because she was afraid that something will happen to Hinata. The speech Hinata said woke Ino up to reality. Since that time, Ino let go of the feelings she had for Sasuke and became a good friend of Hinata. The Yamanaka learned that Hinata wasn't a bad person like she thought. Ino wanted to hit Sakura for telling lies and false rumors about how Hinata seduced Sasuke and things like she sells her body to get good marks to get the scholarship. The truth is Hinata and Sasuke are just good friends and Hinata was a good girl. Ino became attached to Hinata lately as she is understanding and kind. Now, the true friend of her is trapped in a warehouse by her ex-friends.

Ino: "I will go ask the teacher for ke...."


......Ino coughed as smoke and dirt covered the area and she was shocked at what happened. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked. Her eyes widen when she saw the chain was broken and the door was opened. It seems that Sasuke kicked the door open. Sasuke's heart was ripped into pieces when he saw the dark violet hair was scattered on the floor. The tight ropes were wrapped around her tiny body and there were bruises on her face and arms. Sasuke clenched his fists when he saw there was a burn on her pale hand. The beautiful lavender eyes were closed as the girl was unconscious. On her smooth cheek, the drops of tears were mixed with blood coming out from the bruises. Sasuke couldn't even move after seeing the girl's situation.

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